Welcome to AAPT Your Physics Education Community "Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching"
The AAPT Vision To be the leading resource and driving force in strengthening physics education and supporting physics educators Four critical issues that guide AAPT future activities: Increase AAPT’s outreach and impact on physics teachers. Increase the diversity and numbers of physics teachers and students Improve the pedagogical skills and physics knowledge of teachers at all levels. Increase our understanding of physics learning and of ways to improve teaching effectiveness.
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Ongoing Programs U.S. International Physics Olympiad Team AAPT Physics Bowl AAPT High School Photo and Video Contest Awards at International Science and Engineering Fair (with APS) Team America Rocket Challenge
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Ongoing Programs Workshops for New Pre-College Physics Teachers (Section Mini-grants) High School Physics Teacher Grants Physics Days at NSTA Regional Meetings AAPT/PTRA Professional Development Institutes Funded by NSF and DoE MSP
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Ongoing Programs Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Pre-Service Physics Teachers PhysTEC Noyce Scholarships (with APS) AAPT/SPS Summer Internships (with AIP) Student Memberships with Paper and Online Access to AJP & TPT Outstanding TA Awards
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Ongoing Programs Workshops for New Physics and Astronomy Faculty (with APS & AAS) ComPADRE Digital Library for Physics and Astronomy Education (APS & AIP/SPS) National Task Force on Physics Teacher Preparation (APS & AIP) Bi-Annual Physics Department Chairs Conferences (with APS)
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Ongoing Programs PhysTEC (Physics Teacher Education Coalition) (APS & AIP) Physics Education Research Topical Group (PERTG) Bauder Fund Grants for Physics Outreach Programs Reviewers for Departmental Physics Programs Topical Conferences o Advanced Labs at Summer Meeting o Physics Education Research Conference (PERC)
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Publications American Journal of Physics - published since 1931, available in print and online with back issues available online to The Physics Teacher -published since 1963, available in print and online with back issues available to 1963.
"Enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching" Upcoming National Meetings 2011 Winter Meeting (Celebrating 100 years of Nuclear Physics) January 8-12, Jacksonville, FL 2011 Summer Meeting July 30-August 3, Omaha, NE 2012 Winter Meeting February 4-8, Ontario, CA 2011 Summer Meeting July 28-August 1, Philadelphia, PA