Office of Career Development & Curriculum Arkansas Department of Career Education
Dr. Cheryl Wiedmaier, Program Coordinator Ms. Barbara Lensing, Program Advisor Welcome
New Leadership Dr. Charisse Childers, Director Ms. Kathi Turner, Deputy Director Frameworks Changes in format Changes in website Reviewing Program Overlaps Cross-discipline review of course content Financial Literacy—collaborative effort Changes at ACE
Career Clusters & Pathways CareerClustersPathways.pdf CareerClustersPathways.pdf Committee Work Reviewing Arkansas employment data Reviewing Arkansas Programs of Study and courses Looking for overlaps
AR Career Pathways
Career Pathways
New POS Templates Available on Assessment Website information---new.html
Occupation Examples: Requiring Postsecondary Education Agricultural Chemical Dealer; Agricultural Products Buyer-Distributor; Bank/Loan Officer; Dairy Herd Supervisor; Entrepreneur; Farm Manager; Farmer-Rancher-Feedlot Operator; Feed-Supply Store Manager; Field Representatives for Bank, Insurance Company or Government Program; Livestock Manager; Sales Manager; Salesperson Requiring Baccalaureate Degree Agricultural Commodity Broker; Agricultural Economist; Agricultural Educator; Agricultural Lender; Banker/Loan Officer; Farm Investment Manager; Produce Commission Manager For more information, go to:
Occupation Examples: Animator; Database Administrator; Data Systems Designer; E-Business Specialist; Game Developer; Information Technology Engineer; Media Specialist; Network Administrator; Network Security Analyst; PC Support Specialist; Programmer; Software Applications Specialist; Systems Administrator; Telecommunications Network Technician; User Support Specialist; Virtual Reality Specialist; Web Architect/Designer For more information, go to:
Report by Achieve states: “The goal of ensuring that all students graduate from high school ready for college, careers and life have taken hold in every state across the nation. Yet all too often, the focus on “college readiness” and “career readiness” remains in two distinct silos, even though there is little question that reading, writing, communications and mathematical reasoning are all core skills for success in postsecondary education, in the workplace and for citizenship and that all educators should help students develop, deepen and refine these core skills.” (p. 4) CCSS and CTE
Achieve Report: “The CCSS identify the knowledge and skills students need at each grade level, providing potential opportunities for CTE educators to share their expertise around project-based learning and the application of content to their colleagues in mathematics, English and other affected disciplines.” (p. 5) CCSS & CTE
Career Ready Practices (CRP) ensure students are ready to enter the career of their choice but also applies to all students. Each Career Ready Practice includes an overarching statement along with a more detailed description. Below are the 12 overarching statements: 1.Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. 2.Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. 3.Attend to personal health and financial well-being. 4.Communicate clearly and effectively and with reason. 5.Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. 6.Demonstrate creativity and innovation. 7.Employ valid and reliable research strategies. 8.Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 9.Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. 10.Plan education and career paths aligned to personal goals. 11.Use technology to enhance productivity. 12.Work productively in teams while using cultural global competence. - See more at: Career Ready Practices
Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. Understand obligations and responsibilities of being member of community and demonstrate through interactions with others Conscientious of impacts of their decisions on others and the environment around them Think about near-term and long-term consequences of their actions and see to act in ways that contribute to betterment of their teams, families, community, and workplace Reliable and consistent in going beyond minimum expectation and in participating in activities that serve the greater good CRP and Soft Skills Education
Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. Readily access and use knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education to be more productive Make connections between abstract concepts with real- world applications and make correct insights about when it is appropriate to apply the use of an academic skills in a workplace situation CRP and Soft Skills Education
Attend to personal health and financial well-being. Understand relationship between personal health, workplace performance, and person well-being and act on that understanding to regularly practice healthy diet, exercise, and mental health activities Take regular action to contribute to their personal financial well-being, understanding that personal financial security provides peace of mind required to contribute more fully to their own career success CRP and Soft Skills Education
Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason Communicate thoughts, ideas, and action plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal, and/or visual methods Communicate in workplace with clarity and purpose to make maximum use of their own and others’ time Excellent writers—master conventions, word choice and organization, and use effective tone and presentation skills to articulate ideas Skilled at interacting with others—are active listeners and speak clearly and with purpose Think about audience for communication and prepare accordingly to ensure desired outcome CRP and Soft Skills Education
Consider environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions Understand the interrelated nature of their actions and regularly make decisions that positively impact and/or mitigate negative impact on other people, organizations, and environment Aware of and utilize new technologies, understandings, procedures, materials, and regulations affecting the nature of their work as it relates to the impact on the social condition, the environment, and the profitability of the organization CRP and Soft Skills Education
Demonstrate creativity and innovation Regularly think of ideas that solve problems in new and different ways and contribute those ideas in useful and productive manner to improve their organization Aware of and utilize new technologies, understandings, procedures, materials and regulations affecting the nature of their work as it relates to the impact on the social condition, environment, and profitability of the organization CRP and Soft Skills Education
Employ valid and reliable research strategies Discerning in accepting and using new information to make decisions, change practices, or inform strategies Use reliable research process to search for new information Evaluate the validity of sources when considering the use and adoption of external information or practices Use informed process to test new ideas, information, and practices in their workplace situation CRP and Soft Skills Education
Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Readily recognize problems in the workplace, understand nature of problem, and devise effective plans to solve problem Aware of problems when they occur and take action quickly to address the problem Thoughtfully investigate root cause of problem prior to introducing solutions Carefully consider options to solve problem Once solution is agreed upon, follow through to ensure the problem is solved, whether through their own actions or actions of others CRP and Soft Skills Education
Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management Consistently act in ways that align to personal and community-held ideals and principles while employing strategies to positively influence others in the workplace Have clear understanding of integrity and act on this understanding in every decision Use a variety of means to positively impact the direction and actions of a team or organization and apply insights into human behavior to change others’ actions, attitudes, and/or beliefs Recognize the near-term and long-term effects that management’s actions and attitudes can have on productivity, morale, and organizational culture CRP and Soft Skills Education
Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals Take personal ownership of their own educational and career goals and regularly act on a plan to attain these goals Understand their own career interests, preferences, goals, and requirements Have perspective regarding pathways available to them and the time, effort, experience, and other requirements to pursue each, including a path of entrepreneurship Recognize value of each step in educational and experiential process, and recognize nearly all career paths require ongoing education and experience Seek counselors, mentors, and other experts to assist in planning and execution of career and personal goals CRP and Soft Skills Education
Use technology to enhance productivity Find and maximize the productive value of existing and new technology to accomplish workplace tasks and solve workplace problems Are flexible and adaptive in acquiring and using new technology Are proficient with ubiquitous technology applications Understand the inherent risks—personal and organizational—of technology applications, and take actions to prevent or mitigate these risks CRP and Soft Skills Education
Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence Positively contribute to every team, whether formal or informal Apply an awareness of cultural differences to avoid barriers to productive and positive interaction Find ways to increase engagement and contribution of all team members Plan and facilitate effective team meetings CRP and Soft Skills Education
How do you incorporate these practices into your classroom? CRP and Soft Skills Education
Applicable to all students Applicable to all courses—academic and CTE Practice, observe, and evaluate in school- based settings Applicable to all careers Source: CRP and Soft Skills Education
The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a state-led initiative to establish a set of rigorous, high- quality standards for Career Technical Education. The standards have been informed by state and industry standards and developed by a diverse group of teachers, business and industry experts, administrators and researchers. Forty-two states, the District of Columbia and Palau participated in the development stage of the CCTC, which was coordinated by NASDCTEc. Common Career Technical Core (CCTC)
The CCTC includes a set of standards for each of the 16 Career Clusters and their corresponding Career Pathways that define what students should know and be able to do after completing instruction in a program of study. The CCTC also includes an overarching set of Career Ready Practices that apply to all programs of study. The Career Ready Practices include 12 statements that address the knowledge, skills and dispositions that are important to becoming career ready. - See more at: CCTC (2)
The Common Career Technical Core Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster® (AG) 1. Analyze how issues, trends, technologies and public policies impact systems in the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster. 2. Evaluate the nature and scope of the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster and the role of agriculture, food and natural resources (AFNR) in society and the economy. 3. Examine and summarize the importance of health, safety and environmental management systems in AFNR businesses. 4. Demonstrate stewardship of natural resources in AFNR activities. 5. Describe career opportunities and means to achieve those opportunities in each of the Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Pathways. 6. Analyze the interaction among AFNR systems in the production, processing and management of food, fiber and fuel and the sustainable use of natural resources. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster
Agribusiness Systems Career Pathway (AG-BIZ) 1. Apply management planning principles in AFNR businesses. 2. Use record keeping to accomplish AFNR business objectives, manage budgets, and comply with laws and regulations. 3. Manage cash budgets, credit budgets and credit for an AFNR business using generally accepted accounting principles. 4. Develop a business plan for an AFNR business. 5. Use sales and marketing principles to accomplish AFNR business objectives. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Cluster Ready Practices, Career Clusters, Career Pathways, Common Career Technical Core tool to view and control computers in your classroom learning management system, similar to Blackboard quiz tool videos word clouds –an interactive game where you start with $1,000 and no job. Can you make it through the month? -- Lesia Edwards’ assessment site where the Program of Study templates are housed Websites Discussed