HINDUISM Also known as “Sanatana Dharma” Roots in the Indus Valley Influenced by “Aryan” Indo-European tribes Tolerance of other religions “The truth is One, but different sages call it by different names” Dominant religion pre and post Mogul rule Currently 80% of Indians are Hindu
SACRED TEXTS Mahabharata Epic Credited to the sage Vyasha Contains the Bhagavad Gita (Divine Song) Vedas Texts – Contain hymns, incantations, and rituals Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda
Structure Polytheistic or Monotheistic? Belief in one supreme being, but recognizes other gods as facets, manifestations, or aspects of that supreme being. Brahma- Creator Vishnu (Krishna)- The preserver, appears in one of ten incarnations Shiva- The Destroyer
Core Beliefs Samsara – Transmigration of the soul (Reincarnation) KARMA- actions in life will determine the conditions of your next life Four aims of Hinduism Dharma- Righteousness in religious life Artha- success in economic life Kama- gratification of the senses Maksa- liberation from samsara
BUDDHISM ► Founder – Sadartha Guatama (Buddha) Hindu prince who sought enlightenment ► Belief that everything is imperfect and nothing lasts ► Enlightenment holds the answer ► Samsara-Continual cycle of birth, old age, illness, death, and rebirth (Suffering) ► Nirvana (Enlightenment) is the only way to end the cycle ► No sacred text, all traditions are passed orally
The Four Noble Truths 1. Dukkha: Existence is a realm of suffering 2. Samudaya: Desire is the cause for suffering 3. Nirodha: Achievement of Nirvana (Enlightenment) ends suffering 4. Magga: To end suffering you must follow the Eightfold path
Eightfold Path Panna: Discernment, Wisdom 1. Samma Ditthi – Right Understanding 2. Samma Sankappa – Right Thinking Sila: Virtue, Morality 3. Samma Vaca – Right Speech 4. Samma Kammanta – Right Conduct 5. Samma Anjiva – Right Livlihood Samadhi: 6. Samma Vayama – Right Effort 7. Samma Sati – Right Mindfulness 8. Samma Samadhi – Right Concentration
Sacred Places ► Lumbini – Sadartha Guatama’s birthplace ► Bodh Gaya – Place of enlightenment ► Sarnath – Place of his first discourse ► Kushinara – Place of his death
ISLAM Belief in one God—Allah –Allah is all wise and knowing –Creator of all things Allah has sent prophets to Earth –This is the only way that humans can know of Allah –The Prophet Muhammad Received the Qur’an
Five Pillars of Islam 1.The Shahadah - the Declaration of Faith 1.Said to newborns, twice a day at awakening and before sleep, just before death 2.Salat - prayer five times a day facing Mecca 3.Zakat - “giving to charity” 4.Sawm – “fasting” 1. Muslims fast in times of daylight during the month of Ramadan 5.Hajj – The pilgrimage to Mecca. 1.Each Muslim tries to make it once in their lifetime
Places of Worship General place of worship is a Mosque Major places of worship The Kaaba Shrine in the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca The Black Stone Sits in a corner of the Kaaba, meteorite from ancient times The Mosque of The Prophet Located in Medina, hold the tomb of Muhammad The Mosque of the Dome of the Rock Located in Jerusalem, the rock is said to be the place where the call to Judgment will be sounded
Islam in Ancient India Originally brought by traders from Arabia during the 7 th and 8 th centuries. Moguls began to take over India and impress Islam –Qur’an states that no one can be forced to be Muslim –Non-Muslims had to pay special taxes –Other religions were tolerated as long as they did not interfere with the Muslim way of life Moguls ruled for 1,000 years
Christianity Monotheistic Jesus Christ – Son of God sent to save the world Arose out of Judaism Holy Trinity Father, Son, Holy Spirit Believe in Heaven and Hell Evangelism Aim to convert other people and religions Brought to India on a large scale during Imperialism
Basic Tenants Beliefs based on teachings of Christ through the Bible New and Old Testaments Compassion and Forgiveness Sin separate people from God Goal is to Reconcile with God Ten Commandments There will be a day of Judgment Christ will return to earth
Major Religious Places Place of Worship Churches, Cathedrals Holy Places Jerusalem – Home of the Jews Bethlehem – Birthplace of Jesus Nazareth – Jesus’ home Rome – Home of the Vatican (Pope