But first…what is a Rebus puzzle? A rebus is a kind of word puzzle that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. For example: H + = Hear, or Here Or: = small talk (the word talk is small)
Sit down and shut up
Deep in thought
Too little, too late
Broken promise
Your time is up
Starting a Relationship To chat ( 聊天 ) To flirt ( 逗请 ) with someone A blind date ( 相亲 ) Personal ad ( 广告 )
Pick-up Lines What would you say to a girl or boy you like? Ex. “Hey baby, You are very good looking” Greeting + compliment ( 夸奖 )
1)Baby, you’re like a student, and I’m a math book – you solve all my problems. 2) If you were the new hamburger at McDonald’s, you’d be called the McBeautiful. 3) How much does a polar bear weigh? (wait for the person to say, “I don’t know.”) Enough to break the ice. 4) Hi, my name is (and then say your name). Pick up lines:
What is a blind date? You have never seen or met the person before You have only heard about them
Blind Date! ( 相亲 ) Very Rich Has a nice car Has a very big house Have many things in common
Girl’s Date
Boy’s Date
Blind Date #2! ( 相亲 ) Poor No car Nowhere to live Have nothing in common
Girl’s Date
Boy’s Date
Dating in America High school CollegeAdult Age Things to do School dances, movies Go to dinner, go to a bar Go on vacation, expensive dinners Cost of a date $30 USD$70 USD $125+ USD
Dating in China? What age is it appropriate ( 妥善 ) to date? How much should a date cost? Describe your perfect date: I would go ______ I would eat ______ I would see ______
Personal Ad Example Name: Christina Age: 26 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Black Occupation: Waitress Location: California Has Kids: No Interests: Arts, Family, Movies, Music, Reading, Travel Looking For: A man age Any eye color Red hair A doctor Also in California No kids Qualities: Friendly, Clever, Out-going, Hard Working
Create your own Personal Ad Name: Age: Location: Interests: What you are looking for in a boy/girlfriend:
Western Chivalry 侠义 A gentleman (绅士) should open doors for a lady (女士) He should walk on the street side of the sidewalk He should pay for meals and activities He should pull out/push in her chair Compliment her
What do you think? Do you think Western Chivalry 侠义 is a good thing? Why? Should the man always pay for the date? or go AA? Can couples kiss in public? Can a girl ask a boy on a date?
Some Relationships Don’t Last Forever…People Break Up
Break up words Break up ( 分手 ) He/She dumped me ( 抛弃 ) We are no longer together ( 我们以后不会在一起 ) Go your own way ( 分道扬 镳 )
Why break up? Bad Habits 坏 习 惯 smokingbite my nails spitbe late pick your nose fart
Partner Dialogue A: I just broke up with my boy/girlfriend. I met my boy/girlfriend at ___ Place (地方) ___. B: Where did you go on dates? A: We would go ___ Place (地方) ____. B: With my boy/girlfriend we like to go ___ Place (地方) ___. Why did you break up? A: We broke up because he/she always _____bad habit ( 坏 习 惯 ) ____. B: That’s too bad. My boy/girlfriend never ___ bad habit (坏 习 惯) ___.
Like someone Go on a date 约 会 Hold hands Break up 分 手