ESCI 410 – February 26, 2014 Your Pre-Internship and Assessment Warren Wessel Faculty of Education University of Regina 1
Research/Issue Paper n Paper is due today either in electronic form – on the Wiki or by n Paper will be assessed and returned when you come back from your tour in the real world. ECS Winter Semester 2
Subject Area Assessment Items n To be submitted on March 10, which is the last class before the 3-week block. n Three “reasonably major” items that you might actually use in your internship. n Try for something different – perhaps items that you aren’t too sure about. Try something different!! ECS Winter Semester 3
Some Assessment in Real Life n Assessment with real students in not quite as simple as the resources and I have led you to believe. n Students have an interesting way of not following/understanding what you tell them very clearly (at least in your mind) n This assignment is meant to help you add to your understanding of assessment ECS Winter Semester 4
Some things you should consider. n How well your expectations match what you experienced in classrooms. A few thoughts about what you experienced. n Some examples of strong, average and weak student submissions. n Some ideas of the feedback you presented on the assignments – summative or formative. ECS Winter Semester 5
Presentation n To be worked out here – present some ideas and realities that you experienced to your colleagues. You can work as a pair here as you wish. n Talk about the interesting things – not that all went well (although it may have). n Include a couple of situations about the experience. ECS Winter Semester 6
What to submit n What you submit– PowerPoint slides are good; examples of student work – copies or photos n I likely will not assess the presentations – but you are teachers (almost), so you should use your presentation skills and keep your audience enthralled!! ECS Winter Semester 7
Presentations n April 7 and 9– 12:30 to 1:45 n On these two days – can you come to the class earlier? Say at 12:00 n Can you stay later – say 2:00 or 2:15? n I realize some of you may have classes, but a bit more time would give you a chance to hear more of your colleagues. n What suggestions do you have – perhaps stations with each 2-4 people talking about their experiences. ECS Winter Semester 8