Fall 2015 Professional Development Days C. Cruz-Johnson & R. Gamez August 28, Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
The Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Committee (SLOAC), as a standing committee of the Academic Senate, is charged with: Developing procedures related to Institutional, Program, and Course SLOs, their assessment and reporting of same Providing guidance and support to faculty and staff in the development of SLOs and SLO assessment tools at the course and program levels, as well as in aligning SLOs across the three levels: course, program and institutional, as well as Service Area Outcomes Organizing professional development activities related to SLO assessment Organizing and implementing a plan to assess Institutional SLOs for the college Coordinating with Division Deans and administrative staff to review and maintain processes, and ensure current practices are relevant, meaningful and appropriately linked to the Program Review Process 2 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
SEMESTER 1, FALL SEMESTER 2, SPRING Step 1 Identify SLOs for program/course Develop a grid to demonstrate alignment between Course, Program, Degree and Institutional SLOs (attainable during 1-2 meetings) Step 2 Identify at least one direct or indirect measure to be used for assessment of one outcome (discussed at same meetings above) Step 3 Perform assessment/gather data for one outcome (per course or program) Step 4 Review data and summarize strengths & weaknesses of program/course based on this assessment (discussed at 1-2 meetings) Step 5 Create assessment plan & timeline for program/course improvement including date of recommended next assessment of same SLO (at meetings in Step 4) Step 6 Implement assessment plan Share reports/summaries Decide on next SLO to assess. Review Step 1. Begin again at Step 2 3 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
at.com/tracdat/ at.com/tracdat/ 4 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Sample log in: rcruz 5 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
The Spring 2015 SLO results need to be in TracDat by October 9, 2015 If you need assistance, contact your department coordinators, your dean, or any of the SLOAC Members. 6 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Course & Division Lead Faculty Course SLO Assessment Cycle (Semester & Year of Review) Course SLO Revision Date (date course outline was last reviewed) Date Submitted (Date you are uploading the report to Trac Dat) 8 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Course SLO Name: This is a 2-3 key word name or number to identify the Course SLO. (Review course outline if you are unsure of the Course SLO Name.) Course Student Learning Outcome Assessed: This is the completed Course SLO statement being assessed. 9 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Assessment Method Category: Choose one. If you select any combination/Other, explain the method used. TracDat provides a list of methods that you can select from; this list includes: Capstone Project/Assignment, Combination/Other, Data-DataMart-Datatel, Data reporting Portal, Group Project, Internship/Field Placement Evaluation, Portfolio review, Presentation/Performance, Quiz/Exam-Board, Quiz/exam-In Course, Quiz/Exam-Standardized. Description of Assessment Tool: Briefly describe the method(s) being used to evaluate the SLO. Include criteria used for evaluation, for examples, rubrics or scoring guidelines. Longer descriptions can be turned in as attachments through the ‘Relate Documents’ button of the bottom of the Results> Edit Data Collected screen. 10 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Criterion for Success: Give a target goal/measure that would indicate success with the SLO, e.g., 75% of the students receives a Pass evaluation. Write the percentage “you” consider to be the baseline mastery. Data Collected : Describe the evidence collected. Give a brief summary of the salient data results of the assessment, for example, number of students taking the exam and grade breakdown, number of surveys administered and responses. Longer descriptions and relevant documents can be added as attachments. 11 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Analysis of Findings: Give salient but brief summaries of the findings. Does the data reflect the SLO accurately? Longer descriptions and relevant documents can be turned in as attachments. Communication and Lead Faculty: Briefly describe the manner in which faculty/staff discussed the findings and arrived at the recommendations. Include the names of the lead /key assessment faculty. Include dates if available. Recommendations: Describe any recommendations and timeline for change in terms of instructional delivery, the SLO as currently written, Program SLOs, and curriculum. 12 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Jamie Alonzo, Dean of Math & Science, Ex- Officio Celia Cruz-Johnson, Reading Faculty Sanhita Datta, Biology Faculty Rebecca Gamez, Spanish Faculty Deborah Huntze-Rooney, Kinesiology Faculty Jessica Smay, Astronomy Faculty 13 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Join this elite committee! Fall 2015 meetings are the 1st and 3 rd Wednesday from 3:40-5:00 in GE118. For more information contact: Rebecca Gamez Jessica Smay Celia Cruz-Johnson 14 Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success
Thank you for attending this session. Walking with Integrity Towards Student Success 15