Status of JCORRAN analysis train R.Diaz D.Kim 1. Analysis Module “AliJCORRANTask” 2 Name : AliJCORRANTask 1. Inherited from AliAnalysisTaskSE Inputs :


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Presentation transcript:

Status of JCORRAN analysis train R.Diaz D.Kim 1

Analysis Module “AliJCORRANTask” 2 Name : AliJCORRANTask 1. Inherited from AliAnalysisTaskSE Inputs : ESD/AOD Outputs : Tree of AliJPhoton, AliJTrack, AliJHeader (nano AOD) Offline Trigger in place to improve Rejection ( photon energy/pizero pT) 2. We keep calorimeters clusters charged tracks reconstructed in the central tracking system. 3. SVN proposal Main module : AliROOT/PWG4/AliJCORRANT ask.cxx Base Class in a directory : AliROOT/PWG4/JCORRAN

TASK 1 ESD AliJCORRANTask can read directly from ESD AliJCORRANTask jcorran.root AliJTrack AliJPhoton AliJHeader jcorranQA.root jcorran.root AliJTrack AliJPhoton AliJHeader jcorranQA.root JCORRAN Analysis Code nano AOD Plots(xE, correlation functions…) 3

TASK 1 (ESD filter)TASK 2TASK … AOD ESD Monte Carlo Truth Acceptance and Efficiency Correction Services Input : AOD after ESD filter AliJCORRANTask jcorran.root AliJTrack AliJPhoton AliJHeader jcorranQA.root jcorran.root AliJTrack AliJPhoton AliJHeader jcorranQA.root JCORRAN Analysis Code Plots(xE, correlation functions…) nano AOD JCORRAN task can run with ESD filer module and Cutter can be saved in the outputs 4

AliJCORRANTask test Local ESD and AOD files : tested AliEn – First pass completed and tested - jet-jet and gamma-jet [LHC08v, LHC08r, LHC08q] PROOF – Tested with one file in lxplus – couldn’t connect on PROOF from outside of CERN ? Issues : 1.Code debug in a main Task : Bug in AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter filling the AOD caloCluster position (line ) reported to Andreas Morsch [setting up all the cluster positions with the last track position] ( fixed locally now and being used for 2 nd pass ) 2.Alien job : many Zombie files, being investigated. 5

Final Data analysis codes 6 Sepeli : /mnt/nas1/wrk/djkim/work/076.DirG/JCORRAN After your approval, this should go to svn in jyu wiki or phenix cvs

JDataManger/JEventPool 1. // more getters are needed to have PHENIX/ALICE specific control in main code at this moment since PHENIX has more now PhJHeader* GetEventPhJHeader(){ return fHeaderList->GetPhJHeader(0);} AliJHeader* GetEventAliJHeader(){ return fHeaderList->GetAliJHeader(0);} 2. void JDataManager::FillList(TClonesArray* listToFill, TClonesArray* listFromToFill, int cBin, particleType whatToFill, corrType whatCorrType){ if(fExperiment==kPHENIX){ cuts etc..…} if(fExperiment==kALICE { cuts etc …} 3. void JEventPool::FillNewList(TClonesArray *inList, float cent, float Z, int iev){..} FillList vs FillNewList ; confusing naming  JDataManager::RegisterList(…) vs JEventPool::AcceptList(..) 4. Hadron PID is Ready in JDataManager for ALICE/PHENIX 7

JCard Because we need to Read “ascii” Input We need the current JCard functionalities and keep the (void*) to define class members as it was, which is unavoidable TVector is supposed to be afterward I propose to leave the code as it was Number of new variables ~ 5 in addition to all existing things. – won’t change things much// 8

ALICE productions 9 MC PDC 08/LHC08r jet-jet pp, PYTHIA, Pt hard > 50 GeV/c – ,900,000 PDC 08/LHC08v jet-jet pp, PYTHIA, 15 GeV/c < Pt hard < 50 GeV/c – ,316,900 PDC 08/LHC08u gamma-jet pp (2), PYTHIA, no quenching – ,036,000 Jyvaskyla production jet-jet and g-jet djkim/PWG4 Cosmic First pp

ejobs Two binaries and job submission scripts – Jtkt_phenix / jtkt_alice – ejobs-phenix, ejobs-alice Manage the data location and etc 10

Vertex The vertex diamond at the LHC can be parametrized by Gaussian shapes along the z -axis (with σ z = 5.3 cm) and in the x, y directions. The width parameter in the transverse plane, σ x,y, reported as 15 µm. Depend on the choice of the beam parameter β ∗ – affects the beam luminosity and lifetime – σ x,y = √εβ ∗ ~ 75 µm With ε = 0.57nm rad ( beam emittance ), β ∗ ~ 10m 11