Vince McMahon Jr.
Leadership Qualities Innovative Intelligent Determined Perceptive Visionary Cunning
During the 1980s Vince McMahon, Jr., owner of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), began buying up smaller independent organizations. In many cases he did not purchase a group outright but instead signed the group's wrestlers, causing many organizations to fold. By the late 1980s the WWF had become the dominant organization in professional wrestling. Vince McMahon’s vision brought the world of professional wrestling to the national and global stage.
McMahon had enough vision and perception to know that professional wrestling, with the proper marketing, would do very well. And it did just that. Fluctuating in popularity over the years, professional wrestling has always had a core audience, whether it be kids ages 8 – 14 or today's audience of males ages 18 – 24. The WWF’s television programs are consistently number one in the ratings for the channel in which they’re broadcast and in the late nineties were number one in all of cable television.
In Vince’s most recent endeavor he tag teamed with NBC to form and new brand of professional football to compete with the NFL’s monopoly, the XFL. The XFL is just another example of Vince McMahon’s vision and determination to succeed.