Foundations of American Education EDN200
Today’s Plan Class Response System Review your education system development Einstein and education Historical Foundations Kozol Introduction
Your Educational System Your design/goals Students Curricula
"As the circle of light increases, so too, does the circumference of darkness.” -Albert Einstein
Student fails Standardized Test
Student fails Standardized Test What was the Student taught? How did the Rest of the Class perform? Is the test valid? Reliable? Biased? How Experienced Was the Teacher? What is the school Context? What support Has student Received? Why do we test So often? What support Does he Receive at Home?
I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. »Thomas Jefferson, 1820
Jefferson Brilliant and Still Controversial Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights –Slave owner Father of American Education
Political Economy Geography –“settled and unsettled” lands –Agrarian society –Very poor transportation options Governance –Post-Revolution structure Self-governance Community regulation (back to transportation)
Ideology Classical Liberalism: –Replaced Feudalism (based on class structure) –Based on commitment to individualism Freedom to pursue economic rewards (capitalism) Freedom of worship Separation of Church and State
Ideology Classical Liberalism Faith in Reason –Rejected tradition and believed in mind of man Natural Law –Believed they could figure out the “why” of the universe Republican Virtue –Hard work, faith in God, work for public good Progress –Belief that man has infinite potential for improvement generation after generation Nationalism –Commitment to a nation, not a region or state Freedom –Really “negative freedom” or lack of restraint or interference on thought, capitalism, politics
Jefferson’s Plan for Public Schooling Four Tiers of Education Elementary Districts: –Break state into small districts (5-6 sq. mi.) and establish community school in each –All “free” children could attend 3 years for free –Overseer for 10 schools hires, fires –Reading, writing, math, history
Jefferson’s Plan for Public Schooling Grammar Schools –Boarding schools –Six-year curriculum –One boy from each elementary school on scholarship (bottom third expelled at end of 1st year) –20 schools in state –3 R’s and heavy emphasis on languages
Jefferson’s Plan for Public Schooling University: –University of Virginia –Referred to others as “petty academies” –Free-choice but with language requirements Self-Education –Goal of Education is to provide for life-long learning! –Provide for library funding
Jonathan Kozol A brief introduction to the author –“He has been the nation's social conscience for the last 35 years. He constantly strives to bring the plight of the destitute and unwanted to our eyes.” – Kozol website Audiotape of Shame of the Nation