Increasing Access: Foundations for Successful Transfer Opening Plenary Session Increasing Access through Transfer Conference Albuquerque, New Mexico September 22, 2009
President Obama’s Goal for Higher Education Provide “… every American with a quality higher education – whether it's college or technical training.” [1] “... by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.” [2] Provide “… every American with a quality higher education – whether it's college or technical training.” [1] “... by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.” [2] [1] [2] [1] [2] [1][1] President Barack Obama, Address to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, March 10, 2009 as reported in the New York Times on- line, March 10,2009 [1] [2][2] Remarks of President Barack Obama—Address to the Joint Session of Congress, February 24, 2009, online at [accessed May 8, 2009]. [2]
Proposed Goal Raise Tertiary Attainment of the 25 to 34 year-old US Population from 41% to 55% by million more degrees required to do so Implies that annual associate’s and bachelor’s degree production in US must go up by about 870,000 This is an increase of 42% over current levels
Source: NCHEMS using Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Differences in College Attainment (Associate and Higher) Between Young and Older Adults – U.S. and OECD Countries, US Data 25-34=41.6% 45-54=39.7%
Proportion of High School Graduates Proportion of College Graduates or more
If 6 year university graduation rates were raised from 57.5% to 81.7% and three-year graduation rate of CC’s were raised from 32.2% to 45.7%, the 55% attainment goal would be met with the same number of students we enroll now Increased Graduation Rates Can Make a Difference.
Can the Labor Market Absorb More Graduates?
Unemployment by Educational Level Before and During this Recession
The Leadership Challenge What can community colleges and four-year institutions do to facilitate transfer of students with the goal of getting more of them to graduate?
Panelists Antonio Flores, President & CEO, HACU Andrew Jones, Exec. Vice Chancellor for Educational Services, DCCCD Kavita Pandit, Senior Vice Provost, SUNY System
This is the Leadership Challenge for this Generation of Higher Education Leaders.