1 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education Florida Education: The Next Generation DRAFT March 13, 2008 Version 1.0 East Gadsden High School SIP Peer Review Dr. Kimball Thomas, Principal Rebecca Gaines, APC Andy Gay, AP Maurice Stokes, AP
2 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education RTI/DATA Leadership Team: Dr. Kimball Thomas, Principal Rebecca Gaines, APC Myra Grant, Reading Coach Melvin Flores, Science Coach Rhonda Cunningham, Math Coach Curtis Richardson, SIG Coordinator Shirlean Thomas, Guidance Chair Linda Thomas, ESE Specialist Miguel Mizano, ESOL Anthony James, Behavior Specialist Dimitric Salters, Dropout Prevention Coordinator Renee Presha, CTE
3 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education Demographics: EGHS is a rural school in Havana, FL. It has a student population that fluctuates between students. A student race demographic of 95% Black;4 % Hispanic and 1 % other and a 85% free/reduced lunch population. The school since 2003 has never been graded higher than a D, even though its shown considerable school improvement of the last several years. EGHS is currently a Differentiated Accountable (DA) School and a member of the Florida Rural Turnaround Leadership Project based on previous school grades trend data. EGHS has the only Law Enforcement Academy in the state, two STEM programs in Plant Bio Technology and Medical Skills. Students’ Collective Commitment:
4 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education Strengths/Weaknesses: Strengths: Leadership Differentiated Instruction School Culture-High Expectations RtI/PDCA Cycle Weaknesses: Parent Involvement Fidelity Stereotypes( school culture/expectations)
5 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education School Report Card READINGMATHWRITINGSCIENCE % Meeting High Standards 31 (+13) 49 (-9)80 (+13)NA(Baseline Data) % Making Learning Gains 48 (+16) 41 (-24) TOTAL POINTS 403 (+43) Note: 7 * 1.143= 403 % of the Lowest 25% Making Gains 59 ( +19) 45(-20)
6 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education FCAT Performance Points (High Schools) READINGMATHWRITINGSCIENCE % Meeting High Standards % Making Learning Gains TOTAL POINTS 360 % of Lowest 25 % Making Learning Gains 40 65
7 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education High School Accountability Points Please Note: All components are percentages. Those components weighted twice as much as others reflect a calculated percentage that is doubled (e.g., School X has a 75% at risk graduation rate – School X earns 150 points (75*2) for that component in Version A). As recommended by the Central Florida Coalition, initially, acceleration participation will be weighted twice as much as acceleration performance. However over a 5 (or 3) year period, the weighting will be adjusted so that eventually both participation and performance will be weighted equally (150 points each). All component values are capped at their maximum values. That is, if a school earns points in excess of the total for a particular component – through the growth adjustment or the escalating weights in the acceleration components – the school will receive the maximum points for that component. GRADUATIONACCELERATIONREADINESS 74 Participation At-Risk 60 Performance Total Points 414
8 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education SIG/SIP GOALS Goal Number Goal Description Target 1School gradeC 2Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) statusN 3Annual Measureable Objective (AMO) targets the school met2 4Increased learning time385 hours 5Percent of the lowest 25% making learning gains in reading64 6Percent of the lowest 25% making learning gains in Mathematics51 7Percentage of students (total) scoring at proficiency level in reading35 8Percentage of students (total) scoring at proficiency level in mathematics54 9Percentage of students (total) scoring at proficiency level in science20 10Percentage of students (total) scoring at proficiency level in writing84 11Graduation rate (NCLB)81 12Dropout rate0.7
9 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education SIG GOALS CONTINUED Goal Number Goal Description Target 13Student attendance rate97 14Number of students completing advanced coursework (e.g., AP/IB), early-college high schools, or dual enrollment classes based on the new High School Accountability requirements College enrollment rate60 16Discipline referrals125 17Number of students who received out-of-school suspensions130 18Number of students who received in-school-suspensions128 19Number of out-of-school suspensions220 20Number of in-school-suspensions208 21Percentage of truant students2.2 22Distribution of teachers by performance level on LEA’s teacher evaluation system 45 23Teacher attendance rate95
10 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education RTI Strategies: Tier 1: Instruction of core curriculum (Whole Group-all students) Tier 2: Small Group Instruction (reiteration/remediation) Tier 3: One-on-One Intervention (intense) Note: EGHS classroom instruction is Differentiated that allows for the mobility of students to ensure RTI with fidelity.
11 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education Common Core Implementation Strategies Summary of Implementation Process: East Gadsden will fully implement Common Core Standards by by conducting an initial Professional Development Faculty Workshop on August 8 & 9, school year during a preplanning Summit. During this summit the following will be presented and discussed: What are Common Core Standards, Why and How they are being implemented and When and what will be the elements of full compliance. Summit will also include the PDA cycle with respect to continuous development and discussion of Common Core Standards until full compliance in The district’s plan for Common Core implementation and school-level support will be discussed during the summit as well as identifying key members of the District’s support team that will assist in the implementation process. A calendar of full implementation for the school year will be developed by the CCSS Implementation Team and distributed accordingly to all pertinent faculty/staff and district personnel.
12 Division of Public Schools (PreK -12) Florida Department of Education RTI/DATA LEADERSHIP Plan, Do, Check, Act Strate