Using Data to Inform Instruction September 13, 2011
Today’s Class Review Fluency Analyzing data Use data to determine goals Explore resources for strategies Introduce Tutoring Goals and Plans and Inquiry Assignments
National Reading Panel NRP was formed in 1997 to research and assess effective literacy instructional practices Research was conducted over a period of 2 years In 2000, the NRP published a report outlining the findings
NRP Findings Concluded that there are five key components to an effective reading instruction program: Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Elements of Fluent Reading Automaticity of decoding Appropriate reading rate Appropriate volume, pitch, stress, juncture or stress in one’s voice Appropriate phrasing
Fluency Accuracy Rate Volume Expression Prosody (appropriate stress and intonation of language) (National Reading Panel Report, 2000)
Assessing Oral Language Tools we have for assessing fluency and reading rate: – Oral reading rubric – Multidimensional Fluency Scale Choose one of the methods and practice using it as we listen to Evan reading. (Video is posted on the Wiki. You can also use any of the other recordings as well). Or… or or
Oral Reading Rate Let’s try it for Evan (See pkt page for instructions) 1. Words in the passage= x60= Time the reading (150 seconds) /150= Use the table (for “C(orrect)WPM, subtract the number of miscues=12, from #4) So 88
Choppy, word-by-word reading Hasty reading, ignoring punctuation Lack of sight word vocabulary Failure to attempt unknown words Meaning-changing substitutions Meaning-changing omissions Non-meaning changing omissions and substitutions Excessive us of phonics Excessive use of background knowledge Repetitions Behaviors that Negatively Impact Fluency
Strategies for Developing Fluency Model Fluent Reading (Read-aloud) Shared Reading Repeated Readings Work with High Frequency Words to develop AutomatcityAutomatcity Strategy Ideas: Improving Reading Busy Teacher Café
In the Classroom Read Aloud Audio Recordings and Videos Audio Recordings Videos Shared Reading Repeated Readings Using Books with Repetitive Text Reader’s Theater Choral Reading Echo Reading Work with High Frequency Words (develop automaticity) Work with High Frequency Phrases
What do we do with the data What assessment have we used with Evan? – Miscue Analysis – Retell – Multidimensional Fluency Scale – Reading Rate (Word Count per Minute) – Informal Anecdotal Observations while reading (Kidwatchng) Turn and Talk: What have you learned about Evan?
Developing Goals and Selecting Strategies Reading Goal: Evan will use high frequency root words, prefixes, and suffixes to understand word meaning. Create a personal dictionary of words containing prefixes, suffixes and root words (Strickland, 2005) Flip a Chip: Use poker chips to combine prefixes, suffixes and root words to make words (readwrite Word Tree: Draw a word tree using the parts of the words that he’s studied and add new words learned using those parts
You Try It Student scenarios In groups of 4: – Discuss each scenario (answer the questions on the sheet) – For each one, determine the child’s strengths and needs – Using the Johns/Lenski text, select strategies that might help your reader (You can also look at other books for ideas) Whole group share
Tutoring Goals and Plans for Instruction Assignment Guidelines are posted on the Wiki Assignment Guidelines
Inquiry Exploration We will go over this assignment next Thursday Select a literacy topic that you want to know more about (Ex. Comprehension, Writing, Fluency, Writing, etc.) You will select an “anchor text” and find other materials related to your topic Research the topic, try out ideas, discuss with others in your group
Planning for Tutoring Sessions Template is posted on the Wiki Template Look at examples examples With a partner, discuss what you think you might do for the first three sessions What might your goals be for the sessions? What books might you use? What materials might you use? What learning activities?
Dropbox I’ll send you a request to join Make a folder just for 209 and name it, Your Name 209 FA 11 Save your lesson plan to this and share it with me
Next Time…. Meet in Milner, 6 th Floor TMC Bring your Tutoring Kit and the scoring rubric Bring the Read Around Milner sheet that is posted on the Wiki Put Draft of your 1 st lesson plan in Dropbox Look over Guidelines for Inquiry Assignment and think about a literacy topic you would be interesting in exploring (I will have books available there)