1 European eGovernment Awards 2007 European eGovernment Awards 2007 Workshop for Finalists July, Brussels LIMOSA Belgium Reference project number eGov Crossroads Bank for Social Security Frank Robben
2 Case’s specifications a) Name of the case: LIMOSA b) Location and players involved: Belgian social security agencies and public services foreign companies temporarily or partially employing employees in Belgium and foreign self-employed persons temporarily exercising a professional activity in Belgium c) Main focus and type of project: integrated electronic service delivery based on a single declaration in case of temporary or partial professional activities of foreign employees and self-employed persons in Belgium stimulating free movement of workers and services in compliance with social regulation and realising administrative simplification d) Scale: worldwide service delivery for foreign companies and self- employed persons with temporary or partial professional activities in Belgium
3 Problems and barriers development of an integrated service delivery, based on a single declaration, throughout the whole Belgian social and public sector use of the national interoperability framework managed by the Crossroads Bank for social security necessary co-ordination of concepts business process re-engineering cross-border user management temporary solution: registration of identity and relevant characteristics of foreign companies, employees and self- employed persons in Belgian authentic databases long term objective: federated cross-border user management and access via web services to foreign authentic databases publicity for foreign companies and self-employed persons temporary solution: marketing campaigns in foreign countries long term objective: pan-european social service
4 Project impacts some figures – declarations per year reduction of process time from 7 days to 5 minutes integrated service throughout 8 types of institutions (750 concrete institutions) gains in effectiveness improvement of social protection of migrant workers enhancement of free movement of workers and services gains in efficiency lower cost due to single, multifunctional and electronic information collection and integrated information processing shortening of clearance times with immediate return of receipt availability of integrated services according to the logic of the user at any time and from anywhere gains in transparency permanent access for the user to the processing status of its declaration
5 Lessons learnt base the electronic service delivery on optimized processes agreed between the users and the several public service providers attune the service offer maximally to the needs and the logic of the users and involve them actively in the development of the services; match the governmental processes with the own processes of the users; assure user-friendliness develop the electronic service delivery according to a service oriented architecture, and re-use to a maximum available ICT components and information in validated databases; through this, the efforts can be directed towards developing services with an added value, while the multifunctional use of the same components and authentic databases is assured for all
6 Annex: more detailed analysis of project impact and achievements gains in effectiveness gains in efficiency gains in transparency
7 Gains in effectiveness enhancement of free movement of workers and services improvement of social protection of migrant workers by guaranteeing legal employment in Belgium one stop shop idea anticipates on ‘point of single contact’-concept of Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal market that stipulates that all procedures and formalities needed for access to his service activities, in particular, all declarations, notifications or applications necessary for authorisation from the competent authorities, including applications for inclusion in a register, a roll or a database, or for registration with a professional body or association as well as any applications for authorisation needed to exercise his service activities should be rendered possible to complete through points of single contact
8 Gains in efficiency monetisable financial gains estimated at 50 million €/year due to a single, multifunctional and electronic collection of information and integrated information processing shortening of clearance times with immediate acknowledgement of receipt availability of integrated services according to the logic of the user at any time and from anywhere reduction of processing time from 7 days to 5 minutes! civil servants’ empowerment integrated service throughout 8 types of institutions (750 concrete institutions) declarations and requests arriving at one-stop shop will be automatically triggered and dispatched to competent federal, regional and local institutions – annual consultations of central database by social inspection services and competent federal and regional institutions statistical tool for policy designers
9 Gains in efficiency better organisational and IT architectures development of the electronic service delivery according to a service oriented architecture maximal re-use of available ICT components and information in validated databases through this, the efforts can be directed towards developing services with an added value, while the multifunctional use of the same components and authentic databases is assured for all example: federated cross-border user management actual situation: registration of identity and relevant characteristics of foreign companies, employees and self- employed persons in Belgian authentic databases long term objective: federated cross-border user management and access via web services to foreign authentic databases temporary solution serves as a pan-european social service
10 Gains in transparency active participation of users in service design process to ensure user-friendliness and respect for user’s logic permanent access for the user to the processing status of its declarations and requests (work permit, professional card, posting documents,…) client will be able to obtain tailor made content and to access variety of applications