Action Plan Continuing and New Ideas for and Progress Towards Action Plan Goals
Goal 1: Student Performance Students will be able to demonstrate improved knowledge/skills in math, reading, and writing over the next five years. Achievements, Accomplishments, and Activities in New for Created a PLC monthly half day development (Continuing) Math Masters in 3rd grade Departmentalized 5th grade (improved ADAW 72% in 2007, 74% in 2008) Implemented Think Link Reading promotions, (Pumpkin Drive, For the Love of Books, Knightly Reading Cards, Morning Read Aloud, Give Me Five Summer Reading Program) Grade Level Student-Centered Goals Created a Scheduling Committee of teachers Reading Reinforcers added into schedule Title I aide working with Level 2 and Level 3 students on a weekly basis in math. Focused weekly grade level planning and daily common planning time. Math Masters in 4th (Continuing in 3rd) Implementation of Scott Foresman reading series school-wide After School/Extended day tutoring program (Scholarship Students) Weekly grade level ARMT challenge questions on WYES News
Goal 2: Technology Increase use and proficiency in technology for students and teacher in all curriculum areas. Achievements, Accomplishments, and Activities in New for ITC presented during half day professional development days After School Computer Club Redesigned school web page for easier student and parent use Smart Board placed in every classroom at YES, (Speech, Counselor, Media Center) Technology Tuesday weekly trainings conducted through the Media Specialist Technology Fair Collaborative grade level computer lab planning
Goal 3: Character Development Students will demonstrate an understanding of character education knowledge/skills. Achievements, Accomplishments, and Activities in New for Chick-Fil-A Character Development Program implemented school wide. Faculty Meeting trainings/discussion on what concerns our students (i.e. bullying) Positive Behavior Support model implementation of Knightly Behavior Greater student knowledge of weekly character trait through WYES News broadcast Tie character development into school- wide Positive Behavior Support program.
Goal 4: Safe, Nurturing, Orderly Environment Students will improve overall behavior as a result of a school-wide positive reinforcement program setting high expectations for individual and class behavior. Achievements, Accomplishments, and Activities in New for Fifth grade Positive Behavior Support model implemented Behavior committee, teachers and parents School-wide Positive Behavior Support Plan Student panel at faculty meeting Principal and Assistant Principal morning meetings
Goal 5: Positive Relationships with Stakeholders Improve involvement with parents and stakeholders by creating an inviting atmosphere where parent and staff exchange is welcomed and encouraged. Achievements, Accomplishments, and Activities in New for Hosed three Family Math Nights (2 off campus, 1 at YES) Hosted Movie on the Mountain, free outdoor movie for YES families Continued increase in PTA meeting attendance Parent Trainings (Title I, Technology, Safety, Testing) Use of phone message system for bi- weekly school updates Outreach Unlimited Utilize student created ELL Yarbrough introduction DVD As a faculty, define “parent involvement” and work to support parents/student relationships