Chapter 3 Teaching with Instructional Software Indiana Wesleyan University Former Student (used by permission)
Instructional Software Performs various teaching functions. Empowers teachers. Helps students to explore topics and generate their own knowledge. Internet is playing an increasing role. Can help students to prepare for tests. Usually contains eye catching and interactive characteristics that gain students interests. Have five main functions: Drill and Practice, Tutorial, Simulation, Instructional Game, and Problem Solving.
The Five Main Functions of Instructional Software 1. Drill and Practice Students work example items and receive feedback on their accuracy. (“OK” or “Try again”) Select programs that give ample time, know the correct answer, give good feedback to answers, right and wrong. Benefits are instant feedback, motivation, and saves time. Supplement worksheets/homework & prepares students for tests. 2. Tutorial Acts as a tutor by giving all information: summaries, explanations, practice routines, feedback, and assessment. Select programs that require interactivity, explanations, and track student’s progress. Benefits are instant feedback and saves time. Is complete instruction, rather than supplemental.
The Five Main Functions of Instructional Software 3. Simulation Models real and imaginary systems that teach how to or about topics and how they work. Benefits are compresses time, gains student involvement, safe experimentation, saves schools money, allows repetition, and allows observations. Supplements or replaces lab experiments, field trips, and role playing. 4. Instructional Game Increases motivation by adding game rules to drills and simulations. Select programs that are appealing, have instructional value, and minimum violence. Benefits are motivation to spend more time on a certain topic.
The Five Main Functions of Instructional Software 5. Problem Solving Tools that help students solve problems by creating solutions and practicing different solving methods. Select programs that are challenging and develop problem solving abilities. Benefits are motivation and meaningful learning. Provides hand-on experiences to solving problems.
Integrated Learning Systems (ILS) Offer computer based instruction along with summary reports of student progress through the instruction. ILS provides a combination of the previous five functions. Maintains detailed records on individual performance. Select programs that have good curriculum coverage, easily read and interpreted, and different report strategies. Limitations and problems include costs and lack of teacher involvement. Benefits are that they help schools meet state standards and hold accountability requirements of the NCLB Act. (No Child Left Behind) Make sure to EVALUATE all software before using in a classroom setting.
New and/or Intriguing Ideas: There are so many different functions for instructional software. (games are not just games.) Drill and Practice, Tutorial, Simulation, Instructional Game, and Problem Solving. Integrated learning systems provides progress reports on each individual. ILS benefits include that the “NCLB Act stipulated that schools who fail to meet Adequate Yearly Progress for 3 years in a row must use a portion of their Title I funds for out-of-school tutoring” (Roblyer 102), ILS materials are ideal for providing these services.
Discussion Questions 1. How can you incorporate instructional software into your lesson plans? 2. Which instructional software function do you feel is the best educational link to understanding different topics? 3. Why do you feel we should or should not use instructional software in a school setting?