FLIPBOOK 1 sheet Fold “hotdog” way Fold in Fold in again Cut outside seam Tape the two seams together at the top. (if it annoys you, feel free to tape top of each page too) Title: Class Routines and Expectations for Ms. Poitas’ Class Page 1: Supplies Page 2: Class website Page 3: Welcome to High School Page 4: Expectations Page 5: Consequences: Page 6: Safety
FLIPBOOK 2 sheet Fold “hamburger” way Fold in once Cut outside seams (2) Tape the sides together (if it annoys you, feel free to tape top of each page too) Title: Class Routines and Expectations for Ms. Poitas’ Class Page 1: Supplies Page 2: Class website Page 3: Welcome to High School Page 4: Expectations Page 5: Consequences: Page 6: Safety
SUPPLIES My Responsibly: Computer (OneNote or eBinder) Charger Paper (1 notebook all year?) Pencil Pen (Black or Blue ink – standard) Recommendation: headphones Ms. Poitras’ Responsibility: Supply boxes (colored pens, glue sticks, scissors, markers, easer, highlighters) Vocab rings (if want on paper vs. computerized) Tape, stapler, glue Paper for projects Anything else? Just ask Run out? Let MS. P know Electric Pencil shaper: just pause for speaker Tissue just get Pass: ASK! by phone (date/time) fill out
CLASS WEBSITE How to get there? KM Website Our School Staff Websites Ms. Poitras’ Science Class I will BOOKMARK this when I have my computer. What is on it? Tutoring hours Daily agenda: What we did Highlight in Yellow if you have to come to tutoring to make up (like a lab) Documents: Notes/videos Practice Problems + answers Study guides
WELCOME TO HIGH SCHOOL Expected to show academic/professional behavior Formal vs. Informal never really “bad” Behavior not the same in all situations Occasions People If acting the same in here (during class) as when hanging out with your friends, not showing academic behavior. Includes: Language – all forms Address people Dress Care for supplies Support classmates/teammates
EXPECTATIONS 1.Be ready to learn every day ! Bring a positive attitude, respect for yourself, peers, and teacher, natural curiosity, a desire to learn and grow, all supplies needed for class and sense of humor! 2.When the bell rings, you will be in the room ready to learn. 3. Listen when someone else is speaking and only speak when given permission 4.Practice safety (as outlined in your text) at all times – Exceptional Misconduct 5.Practice the KM Behavior Expectations and Responsibilities as outlined in your student handbook student handbook
CONSEQUENCES Step 1 Conversation Step 2 Form Letter Home → due next day Step 3 Lunch Detention/Call Home Step 4 After School Detention + Call Home Referral to Ms. Mundray Step 5 2 After School Detentions + Call Home Rerral to Behavioral Intervention Team
SAFETY AVID: Easy just do what Ms. P says Science room cross contamination Integrated Science 3-4 Follow safety at all times (will have an activity next week) Follow directions when given ask RIGHT away if you need assistance or don’t understand Ask if you don’t know how to use the equipment RIGHT away.
DISRESPECT TO PEERS I don’t understand it, so…. It frustrates me, and…. I react Badly
SPEAKING WHEN I AM SPEAKING Giving important info Disrupting peers learning RUDE!!!!! I Plan “Social“ Time
SPEAKING DURING QUIET TIME Reading Writing In and Out Time for other Stuff
THINGS THAT DON’T ANNOY ME Having Fun Joking Smiles/Tears Doing what ever I can to make YOU Succeed!!!!
HIGH EXPECTATIONS Not Ignore No excuses ‣ Reasons Progressive Rubric Grading ‣ Academic and Employability Effort ‣ Ability
LEADERSHIP SKILLS Cooperative Learning Self-Image ‣ Higher Confidence Expression of Ideas
MEANS FOR YOU? Use Class Time Ready to Learn Miss a day/Off Task ‣ Tutoring Self-respect and Peer-Respect Study