“Summative Authentic Assessment in the French Classroom” By Karen Royer
Quality Assessment? Authentic Assessment 3 Criteria: -Disciplined Inquiry -Integration of Knowledge -Value Beyond Evaluation
Outcomes Before assessment, the teacher must create outcomes for students. For example: -Demonstrate working knowledge… -Display awareness… -Interact in a safe environment… These outcomes can be applied to any classroom
Disciplined Inqury As Students form questions to other students about likes and dislikes, they: – Inquire about authentic personal interests of peers – Look up and use new vocabulary and grammatical structures.
Integration of Knowledge Students using the language to ask questions orally are integrating listening skills and speaking skills. Students talk on the phone using the information gathered, new vocabulary, and grammatical structures to make an informed purchase on the other students likes and dislikes
Value Beyond Evaluation Used real French store names and brands Used real A.C.T.F.L. scoring rubrics Students voices recorded Using everything done in unit at end – Distributing gifts – Experiencing culture by eating French Desserts Reflection Paper
Summary A summative authentic assessment assesses authentic teaching. Real – Information, situations, rubrics, people Self and peer assessment Summative Authentic Assessment transcends all content areas
Citation Royer, Karen. "Summative Authentic Assessment In The French Classroom." Clearing House 69.3 (1996): 174. Teacher Reference Center. Web. 26 Apr