Room ext
I love being a teacher! I am on your side - whatever you need, let me know. My key word for the year is COMMUNITY. We all have to think about each other and support each other.
A quick how-to guide for managing life at Muson’s
How much will I have per week? An average of 2-4 assignments What happens if by some bizarre chance my homework is LATE? No penalty if you were absent and make up work in a timely way 10% off the grade for every day late LUNCH DETENTION Expect to have a lunch detention with me the day you don’t hand in your homework. Bring your lunch and all materials necessary to complete the missing assignment.
Where can I find out what the assignment is if I forgot? Make a Study Buddy Where can I find out if I’m missing any work? Webgrade on-line gradebook
Grades are computed on a TOTAL POINT scale. What the heck does that mean? Assignments are given points according to difficulty Your grade is based on how many points you earn How can I get a grade update? Webgrade on-line gradebook 2 Hand-outs per quarter (middle & end)
Get to class on time! What should I do as soon as I get to class? Get out your agenda & copy down next homework assignment Get out any homework due that day Sit and listen for directions! Where will the night’s homework assignment be posted? On the board in class - same place everyday! calendars
Papers, papers, papers! Use the HAND-IN BASKET Graded work will be put back in the COLORED BOXES Bathroom privileges One at a time! Pass is in the front of the classroom. You don’t need to ask for permission to go. Be polite and quiet. Elves My helpers! Strictly voluntary, and always appreciated.
What will I need to bring to class everyday? Notebook ONLY FOR SOCIAL STUDIES Don’t “clean out” your notebook unless I assign it. Paper Pencil or blue/black pen. No funny colors! What about a textbook? Keep it home Keep it covered
Use your HABITS OF MIND & make Muson proud! Be preparedWork hardKeep your brain turned on Be responsible for yourself Treat others with respect
How to short-circuit the learning process & make Muson crazy! No hatsNo eating or drinking (except water) No electronic devices No yakking with pals No rudeness or cussing No gum
What happens if you do a Don’t? I’ll ask you to stop. When you do, we all win. Repeat offenders may receive some or all of the following: Uncomfortable discussion about the situation with me Confiscation of electronic devices Detention Call home Trip to the Principal’s Office
What happens if I get into BIG TROUBLE? Physical violence of any kind Extreme disrespect Plagiarism of any kind IMMEDIATE trip to the Principal or Assistant Principal Call home
How can I get help with Social Studies? TELL ME! Mind-reading is not one of my gifts. Make an appointment with me ASAP. We’ll talk. me! The website has a link to my . What if there’s another kind of problem? All of the above, or seek out someone in Guidance Don’t let yourself be unhappy! Find someone to help.
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