1 U. S. Dialects
2 The United States Mississippi R. Appalachians Rockies Connecticut R. Hudson R. Erie Canal
3 Dialect Regions of the U.S. Eastern New England
4 Dialect Regions of the U.S. Upper North / Great Lakes
5 Dialect Regions of the U.S. Mountain South / Upper South
6 Dialect Regions of the U.S. Lower North / Midlands
7 Dialect Regions of the U.S. Deep South / Lower South
8 Dialect Regions of the U.S. General American / Western
9 What about Texas?
10 Dialect Regions of the U.S. New Orleans Acadians Acadian Acadyan Acadjyan Cadjan Cajun
11 Dialect Regions of the U.S. New York City
12 Detailed Dialect Map
13 Major Dialect Attributes Deletion of Post-Vocalic [r] (“r-lessness”) Deletion of Post-Vocalic [r] (“r-lessness”) car“kaa”car“kaa” park“paak”park“paak” Monophthongization of [ay] Monophthongization of [ay] my“maa”my“maa” drive“draav”drive“draav” Fronting of [a] Fronting of [a] Chicago“Chicaago”Chicago“Chicaago” Diphthongization of [æ] Diphthongization of [æ] bag“byæg”bag“byæg” plastic“plyæstic”plastic“plyæstic”
14 Who Says What? r-less? ay aa fronted a ae yae New England yesnono? Deep South yesyesnono Great Lakes nonoyesyes Mountain South noyesnono Midlands/ General American nononono