NAVIGATION TRAINING Section 5 Nautical Publications
Table of Contents Section 1Types of Navigation Section 2 Terrestial Coordinates Section 3 Charts Section 4 Compass Section 5 Nautical Publications Section 6 Navigational Aids Section 7 Buoyage Section 8 Position Lines and Fixes Section 9 Tides Section 10 Currents Section 11 Weather
Navigational Charts Nautical charts show hazards, aids to navigation, features along the shoreline and the seafloor, as well as man-made and natural features of the area. The Canadian Hydrographic Service produces and publishes almost 1,000 nautical charts covering Canadian waters. Table of Contents
Electronic Charts The supply of digital chart information Table of Contents
Chart Symbols, Abbreviations, and Terms This book explains the symbols, abbreviations and terminology used to describe all features on Canadian charts. It is vital reference for understanding charts. Nautical Publications
Chart Catalogue The Canadian Hydrographic Service publishes chart catalogues numbered one to four. They illustrate chart coverage for the Atlantic Coast, the Pacific Coast, the Great Lakes and Central Canada, and the Arctic. Nautical Publications
Bathymetric Maps The Canadian Hydrographic Service produces bathymetric maps for users whose prime interest is not navigation but the nature of the seafloor and the material beneath it. Nautical Publications
Sailing Directions These publications contain all the detailed information, such as natural characteristics, geography, climatic variations, and wharves for each region. They are great for planning trips and ensuring mariner safety. Nautical Publications
Sailing Directions Sailing Directions are the indispensable companions to charts. They include information not included on a chart such as descriptions (including photographs) of the best approaches to harbours, harbour facilities, anchorages, local history, rules, regulations, and table of distances. Nautical Publications
Tide Tables The Tide Tables provide predicted times and heights of the high and low waters associated with the vertical movement of the tide. Current Tables The Current Tables provide predicted times for slack water and the times and velocities of maximum current, all of which are associated with the horizontal movement of the tide. Nautical Publications
List of Lights, Buoys and Fog Signals Lists aids to navigation in Canadian waters, including: Lighted aids to navigation Unlighted buoys Daybeacons Fog signals Radiobeacons Nautical Publications
Radio Aids to Marine Navigation Contains information on the radio communications and radio aids to navigation services provided by the Canadian Coast Guard. Nautical Publications
Notices to Mariners Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) are electronic bulletins, detailing newly discovered hazards to shipping, and changes in aids to navigation such as buoys and lights. They are issued monthly in collaboration with, and through the Canadian Coast Guard. Nautical Publications