Antenatal care is key to healthy mother &babies& prepare pregnant women physically and emotionally for the birth of baby
When pregnant women start antenatal care visit? After confirmation of pregnancy,the first visit must be arrange between 8-12 weeks of pregnancy( the earlier start attending antenatal check up the better )then attend antenatal check up once a month until 28 weeks, then twice a month until 36 weeks, during the last 4weeks the attend must be every week.
In Sudan the way of follow up : First visit : before 12 weeks Second visit: 26weeks Third visit :32 weeks Forth visit :36-38 weeks May be more than 4 visit if there is complication eg;HTN,DM,ANAEMIA,…
FIRST VISIT Will be longest because of asking many questions the answerers to these questions help the doctors or midwifes to discover anything that could affect the pregnancy or the baby. These questions are : Personal data of the lady name,age,occupation,residence, level of education,Tel number. History of inherited disease &congenital anomalies.
Husband data name, age.occupation, degree of relevant,peroid of marriage. Medical history: of DM,HTN,TB,heart disease, chronic renal disease, skill cell disease,STDS,HIV,hepatites,blood transfusion and it is complications, surgical oprations,uses of drugs, history of infertility. Obstetrical history :number of pregnanccy&deliverise &mode of deliverers
History of last delivery :place,age,result of delivery a live,dead,twins,congenital anamoliese,neonatal death,abortion,ectopic, Complications to the mother :recurrent abortion,DVT,DM,HTN,placenta priva,rupture placenta,heamorrhage,purperul sepsis, obstructed labour.
Current pregnancy: last menstrual period,EDD,regular cycle,contaceptive use, age of pregnancy(weeks),nutrition,folic acid. General examination: examine eye,neck,lung,heart,abdomen,vagina,lower limp, check BP,weight,hight. Investigation:examine urine for suger,protine,aceton. Blood :blood groub,HB,syphilis,HIV.
through out Antenatal care visit there must be many services like nutrtion,health education,psychosocial assessment,HIV,postpartum services. In every visit check BP,HB,UG,wight,hight,examine abode mine