Grade 7 Health: Strand D Human Growth and Development
Outcome 1 D1) understand that sexuality integrates many aspects of each of our lives. Definition of sexuality: Involves your gender, reproductive system and sexual orientation.
Why learn about Sexuality? Sexuality touches upon the physical, emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal development of every person. Sexuality influences thoughts, feelings, actions, interactions, and thereby our mental and physical health. Within every community, there is a diversity of personal and social moral beliefs, values and ethics related to sexuality. The role of sexuality changes throughout the stages of an individual’s life.
Outcome 2 D2) review the structure and the function of the male and female reproductive systems
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Questions 1. Describe the menstrual cycle in the female reproductive system. 2. Describe sperm production in the male reproductive system.
Menstruation Menstruation begins for females between ages 9 and 16. Each month happens as a cycle. Once it ends it starts over again. Menstrual cycles last between 21 and 40 days (depends on the individual). Hormones control what happens during the menstrual cycle. Mature eggs are released during the menstrual cycle. See diagram for cycle steps.
If the ovum is fertilized by sperm, this will cause a pregnancy. The female will not have her period and the cycle will stop until the end of pregnancy. If not the female will have her period (release the blood and tissue that has built-up the uterus lining). This may last from 2-7 days. Then the Menstrual Cycle will start again.
Sperm Production Sperm is produced in each testicle. Sperm is mixed with seminal fluid and called semen. Semen leaves the body during ejaculation. (released through the urethra).
Test June 19 th Male and Female Reproductive Systems Sperm Production (Male) Menstruation Cycle (Female) Fertilization Pregnancy stages Fetal Development (growth stages) Childbirth
Outcome 3 D3) describe fertilization, pregnancy and childbirth
Fertilization Fertilization: union of the female egg and male sperm; usually occurs in one of the fallopian tubes. (see diagram) Each sperm and egg carries 23 chromosomes. After the egg is fertilized, the chromosomes from the sperm and egg join to form 23 pairs of chromosomes. These 23 pairs are a blueprint for the development and appearance of the new individual. Implantation: Happens after fertilization when the zygote attaches to the lining of the uterus, where they will grow and develop during pregnancy.
Amniotic Sac The baby is surround by the amniotic sac This is filled with amniotic fluid and protects the baby until birth It breaks when the mother into labour The baby does not breathe air until it is born It receives oxygen from the mother To prepare for breathing, it will inhale amniotic fluid into the lungs and out again
Placenta This is a special organ that grows in the body only during pregnancy After implantation it will begin to form and grow as the baby does The umbilical cord connects the baby to the placenta Anything the mother takes in will be passed on from the placenta via the umbilical cord to the baby (oxygen, nutrition, etc). Waste is transported back to the mother in the same way. At end of pregnancy when the baby is delivered, the amniotic sac and placenta exit the body shortly after and the umbilical cord is cut.
Stages of Pregnancy Zygote Embryo Fetus Baby 3 Trimesters (about 40 weeks in total) 1 st Trimester = first 3 months, first 13 weeks 2 nd Trimester – second 3 months, weeks rd Trimester – last 3 months, weeks 27-40
Fetal Growth Size Chart regnancy-tools/articles/how-big-is- baby.aspx regnancy-tools/articles/how-big-is- baby.aspx
Review Questions 1. What is the difference between fertilization and implantation? 2. Explain the difference between the placenta and the umbilical cord. 3. What is the function of the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid?
Childbirth What do the terms “labor” and “delivery” mean?
Childbirth The mother experiences signs of labor Usually labor will start in the last few weeks of pregnancy but sometimes can happen earlier The baby’s survival rate increases with every week of pregnancy Labor can last for hours or a full day The mother experiences uterine contractions which help push the baby out Baby should be facing head down The baby is delivered vaginally or by a caesarian section (surgery)
Stages of Labor First stage: Early labor (contractions start but are far apart, “water breaks”, getting to the hospital) Active labor (contractions are closer together, increase in intensity) The closer together contractions are the sooner will be able to be delivered See diagram
Stages of Labor Transition Second stage: Pushing (ends with delivery of baby), cutting the cord Third stage: Delivering the placenta See diagram
Building a Baby Gender: the father determines the gender of the baby (see diagram). Identical Twins (see diagram). Fraternal Twins (see diagram).
Outcome 4 D4) recognize and evaluate different kinds of relationships Adolescents need opportunities to become competent in recognizing the differences in relationships with parents/guardians, peer relationships, friends, parents, and significant others.