Network Computing Laboratory Brainstorming Practice for Hunting “Creative” Research Topic Network Computing Lab.
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Brainstorming For Our Project Topic 앞으로 5-10 년 이내에 많이 쓰이게 될 Computer Network( 예, WLAN ) 의 종류에 대해서 조사를 해보시오 ( 그림 1 장으로 기술할 것 ) 새로 생기게 된 terminal 이나 in-network node 에는 어떠한 것들이 있 는가 ? 이들과 기존의 인터넷들은 어떠한 상호작용을 할 것인가 ? 앞으로 5-10 년 이내에 상용화될 애플리케이션 서비스에 대해서 조 사해 보시요 이들의 특징은 어떤 것인가 ? 요구되는 H/W 특성 (Computing power) S/W 특성 ( 어떤 service platform 으로 service 를 제공하는가 ?) Goal 필요성 구매력 ( 시장성 ) 이 있는 제품인가 ? 기존의 애플리케이션으로 안 되는가 ? 조사한 서비스 이외에 새로운 서비스를 제안해 보라 위의 나열한 특징을 바탕으로 자신이 제안한 제품의 특징을 평가 하시 요
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology To do list Each Group should go through at least following three steps Usual Brain Storming Idea Screening (With Screening Criteria) Brief Requirement Analysis Each Group should have a presentation about your work (with ppt file) 30 mins per group Your PPT file includes Requirements Analysis Domain requirements System requirements User requirements Fancy Scenario (a few slides with pictures)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology To do list Literal Contents should not exceeds more than 50% of the entire contents Use pictures, photos, figures excessively!!!! Describe your intention verbally, rather than let audience read your slides Each group should decide the metrics that they used for evaluating the system Your PPT slides should be complete and consistent Completeness means that all services required by users should be defined Consistency means that requirements should not have contradictory definitions or meanings
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Screening Criteria Originality or Novelty 1. Its been said many times before 2. YAPA (Yet Another Paper About..) 3. One step ahead of the pack 4. A pioneering piece of work 5. Trailblazing Its impact on theory or practice 1. Absolutely no relevance 2. Only little significance 3. Not bad 4. Highly significant 5. Very high significance Soundness and Importance of the tackled problems 1. Absolutely no relevance 2. Only little significance 3. Not bad 4. Highly significant 5. Very high significance Business Opportunity 1. Nobody would buy this 2. Only our family and cousins would buy this 3. So-so 4. Can earn tens of thousands dollars 5. Another Yahoo $tory