contemporary TV organization and Structure
TV today Friends, Temptation Island, Big Brother, Survivor 1, Burger King, UPN shows/Moesha, Will and Grace, Touched by an Angel, MTV/Old Navy, Ally McBeal, MTV/Super Bowl, Smackdown!, Dawson, Survivor 1, Super Bowl promos for CBS, EDS, Bud
television networks older broadcast networks: ABC,CBS, NBC newer broadcast networks: Fox, WB,UPN, Pax network audiences rise of cable narrow v. broad casting
TV delivery systems broadcast networks cable satellite local broadcasting stations growth in choice (1960: 3 channels; 2015: 1000+)
ad revenues showaudience sizead rate: 30 sec Touched16m$275k Frasier13m$540k Drew10m$375k XFiles8m$330k Simpsons11m$290k Ally7.2$310k
what do advertisers want? large audiences of the right kind of people: demographics who are the right people?
ratings Nielsen ratings: % of homes, based on total HUTS (houses using TVs) share: % of homes watching based on number of houses tuned in.
ratings given: 100m HUTs, all tuned in, show has 20m houses rating = share = given: 100m HUTs, half tuned in, show has 20m houses rating = share =
TV: top ratings showdaterating MASH Dallas Fugitive Cheers Ed Sullivan
Broadcast TV ratings March 25-31, ’02 ER16.1 CSI: Crime Scene15.4 Raymond13.9 Friends13.1 Law & Order13.1 NCAA Championship11.3 Survivor/Marquesas11.3 West Wing11.2 Yes, Dear10.9 JAG/Judging Amy (tie)10.3
Cable TV ratings, March 25-31, ‘02 WWF Raw Zone (TNN)4.6 WWF Raw (TNN)4.1 NCAA Women’s B-ball (ESPN)3.3 Osbournes (MTV)2.9 Real World XI (MTV)2.8 NCAA Postgame (ESPN)2.6 Nightmare Street (Life)2.6 Rugrats (Nick)2.5 SpongeBob (Nick)2.5 Rocket Power (Nick)2.5
TV ratings, Dec 31-Jan 6, ‘01-’02. NFL Postgame Show14.5 Rose Bowl13.8 CSI Crime Scene Minutes12 Survivor Africa11.9 Law and Order: SVU11.7 Rose Bowl Pregame Show11.4 Friends10.9 Law and Order10.9 Fiesta Bowl Postgame10.7
TV ratings, Jan , Super Bowl40.2 SB Postgame33 SB Pre game32.5 Postgame II22.8 Friends13.6 Frasier13.2 Family Guy12.6 ER12.5 Jesse11.8 Simpsons11.6
influences on ratings time of show flow counter-programming sweeps months measurement problems special programs repeats
advertisers: happy viewers LOP likable characters networks = distribution system for advertisers avoiding controversy
advertising revenue costs of advertising what do ads do? linking advertisers and consumers, teaching, influencing structure of shows
amount of ads prime time today clutter: how to stand out? increasing ad time: newsbriefs, movies, product placement, program length commercials
television costs production losing money on first run why are costs high? results of high costs why persist?
network ownership of shows problems for NBC with ER, Friends, Frasier value of Will and Grace