A Day in the Life of a Student Academy of the Pacific Honolulu, Hawaii USA Sept 20, 2006
Derek I eat food, a lot of it, and I’m still skinny. AMAZING. I get up at 6:45 am, and go to sleep at 11:00pm. I eat Portuguese sausage, eggs, and rice, in the morning time. I have lots of friends and family.
Jordan Sports are my hobbies and interests. My favorite T.V. show is the sports center. I like to eat rice.
Pájaro I get up at 5:30 am. And I go to sleep at 3:00 am. I like to eat rice with a little shoyu on it.
Miako What I do on a typical day is... finish my homework, then I wait for my boyfriend to come over and then we just hang out there and just chill. I get up at 5:20.m. And go to bed at around 11:00 pm. I eat mostly Korean food, and I eat whenever my brother or mother calls me to go eat dinner. My friends are my boyfriend, his cousins, Christine and her boyfriend Lino. My family members are my brother, my sisters, and my mother, father, and my dad’s girlfriend. They wear whatever they want to wear. My favorite T.V. shows are Family Guy, Futurama, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, and South Park. My hobbies are dancing, bowling, and going to the beach.
Rachel I wake up late, go to school, go home, and wait for my boyfriend to come home from work because I live with him and his family, then go to sleep at 11:00 PM. I usually get up at 6:45 AM, then go to sleep at 11:00 PM. I eat a lot of food; whatever I can get my hands on. I love rice. I have a lot of friends from all over Hawaii, even in the neighbor islands and the mainland. My family is: my mom, dad, sister, grandparents, cousins, aunties, uncle, nieces, nephews and my boyfriend. My friends and family wear whatever they want to express themselves. I watch a lot of movies, but not that much TV. Too many things to do at home because my boyfriend is lazy to help. My hobbies are dancing and going out whenever I can. I used to play sports like basketball and volleyball, but not anymore.
Josh I have lots of friends and family. I like playing basketball.
My school: Academy of the Pacific
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School Mascot: The Dolphin
Basketball Court at School
Surfing in Hawaii
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