Investment climate in the Republic of Karelia Report of Deputy minister of economic development of the Republic of Karelia Sergey Alimpiev
2 Dynamics of foreign investments in economy of the Republic of Karelia, mln. US$
3 Composition of investments by type of economic activity, %
4 Capital investments, mln. Rub
5 Key investing countries, in % Countries Total, including: 100 Austria Ireland Czech Republic Netherlands Virgin Islands (British) Sweden Finland Poland Cyprus Estonia Panama France Others
6 Investments in economy of the Republic of Karelia from Finland, thousand US$
7 Project on constructing sawmill in Pitkyaranta district “Setles Ltd.” (Stora Enso group, Finland - Sweden) Most large-scale projects implemented in cooperation with Finnish investors Project “Karkhakos Ltd.” in cooperation with PKC Group in Kostomuksha city on production of electric wiring for heavy vehicles and setting up assembly process of electronic devices
8 granting tax exemptions on property tax and profit tax; granting tax exemptions on property tax and profit tax; granting government guarantee of the Republic of Karelia for investment projects; granting government guarantee of the Republic of Karelia for investment projects; granting subsidies for partial reimbursement of expenditures on paying interest rate of investment projects loans; granting subsidies for partial reimbursement of expenditures on paying interest rate of investment projects loans; informational and organizational support of investors informational and organizational support of investors Measures of governmental support of investment activity in the Republic of Karelia
Official website of the Ministry of economic development of the Republic of Karelia (Department of investment and governmental support of entrepreneurship) The website contains all the necessary information on conducting investment activity in the republic
10 Regional system of investment projects support Inter-agency commission on placing and development of industrial facilities - comprehensive analysis of investment project applications, implementation of which requires significant land and natural resources and provision of engineering infrastructure Inter-agency working group on assistance to attraction of investment into economy of the republic - specific problems of all large-scale regional investment projects are addressed
11 «Reconstruction and construction of mini hydro power plants in the territory of the Republic of Karelia» «Construction of OSB slabs production plant» «Construction of deep-water seaport in Belomorsk city» «Reconstruction of engineering facilities of Besovets airport» 4 regional projects have been included in the list of priority projects of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia
12 Priority investment fields of the republic Construction of production facilities with new technologies of wood processing (including hardwood). Production of glued structures, wood house-building, furniture production.
13 Priority investment fields of the republic Opening of deposits of unexpanded types of mineral resources: quartz, schungite, garnets, mica and processing of them. Production of construction materials out of local raw materials Production (assembly) and maintenance of harvesting and mining technique Production of heat-insulating slabs out of basalt
14 Priority investment fields of the republic Development of hydroenergetics, alternative energy sources, use of local fuel as energy resources (peat, chipped wood, etc)
15 Priority investment fields of the republic Construction of fish-processing facilities, production of fish feed and seeding Use of the White Sea bioresources: mussel farming and processing, algae harvesting and processing, production of goods out of algae
16 Priority investment fields of the republic Industrial processing of berries, mushrooms, medical plants Development of tourist infrastructure Recycling of waste of manufacturing and consumption
17 Regional innovation system Innovation complex and IT-park of the Petrozavodsk State University Innovation center «Ukko» and Karelian center of technology transfer and innovations of the Karelian Research Center of RAS Business Incubator of the Republic of Karelia Faculty of Technology of the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy Innovative enterprises
18 PRIORITY FIELDS OF RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ACTIVITY KEY PRIORITY FIELDS Ecological- biological research and designs Research and developments in physics and engineering sciences Medical research and developments Humanitarian research and developments SUPPLEMENTAL (INSTRUMENTAL) FIELDS Research in IT and software programming Economic research, developments and technologies in management Mathematic research, models and methods Interdisciplinary (comprehensive) research, high technologies and products