Annual Review & Annual Planning Meeting 1. The Year in 5 Slides 2. APM Overview and Outcomes 3. 2010-11 Plans – top-line items.


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Presentation transcript:

Annual Review & Annual Planning Meeting 1. The Year in 5 Slides 2. APM Overview and Outcomes Plans – top-line items

: A Year in 5 Slides The year of….. Climate Change Bill… Climate Change (Scotland) Act… Public Sector Duty… SCCD Year 2 reports… 21 reporting by end of 2009 SSN’s first one-day annual conference Best Value 2 and a brand new ‘Sustainability Framework’ LCLIPs phase 2 and SCCIP secretariat fully functional Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan… and the revitalisation of the SPWG The final year of the Local Footprints Project… and the start of a new programme SOAs V2.0 – around 20 LAs using Footprint and more referring to carbon reduction…. SOA Menu of Outcome Indicators V4.0 5 Quarterlies (!!??!!) plus 6 Local Footprints national events – virtually one a month SSN staff changes… SSN office move Core grant secured for … Inverclyde comes to life in SSN….

SSN Annual Review Annual Planning Meeting 09 Objectives: SSN remains well-respected and valued / S’g members and SSN members active and involved Programme priorities remain relevant, with BV work dependent on work of others SSN impact and reach needs to be enhanced, including working with strategic partners and other parts of local government Information – the lifeblood of SSN Pace of change SSN resources- core and new sources to be secured Operational dynamism needs to be linked to achieving strategic radicalism, with partnership working remaining central to SSN’s work Annual Conference – revised to a one-day event / build of experience of past conferences

Programme Priorities Climate Change Alignment of SSN’s national CC work with COSLA’s CC TG and OSG. Positive relations remain with Carbon Trust and SCCIP, and SSN’s work on area-wide emissions/footprinting can play important role moving forward on PS Duty & SOAs SCCD Reports provide wealth of valuable information – yet to be fully analysed – and consistency of approach improving across LAs and CPPs Major concerns about pace of change, scale of change, depth of analysis Local Footprints All targets met or exceeded / Final evaluation reflected excellent achievements of this project Strong partnership working, outcomes focused, flexible/reactive, broad impact across LAs and schools (and potentially communities) Training, interface to technical experts, a ‘shared service’ for LAs, well-positioned with NI186, Carbon Budgeting, scenario planning and policy analysis New legislative landscape throws up challenges and opportunities for Footprinting… but relations with SG and IS bode well for exemplar and schools work in 2010

Programme Priorities Sustainable Procurement SSPAP out in October 2009 SPWG meeting regularly again and is focusing on a less ambitious programme of work - possible SP quarterly format to meetings – sharing good practice and moving the agenda forward Networking the networks will be vital in achieving efficient impact Challenge of adhering to SPAP timescales Best Value / SOAs Audit Scotland due to be invited to future S/g meeting. SSN responded to BV2 consultation BV2 pilots provide potential context for collaborative learning LFP provided briefings on integrating Footprint method into SOAs SSN/LFP responded to the Outcome Indicators Project – Quarterly Meeting, Briefing etc.. Meetings with IS SG and IS interested in SSN work on SOAs and CC/SD outcomes

SSN Members, Communications & Events 5 Quarterlies = 218 delegates / majority local government Good overall ‘return rate’ to events With LFP events, SSN has run a national event in every month, except March, July and August (and we done 2 in April) Conference – max delegates, strong LA&Public sector turn-out, high exhibitor numbers – very positive feedback Website – steady growth, now with new website news and search functions Forum – nose-dive / now shifting to the Communities of Practice site Membership – varies across local authorities from 1 member to 9 members

Annual Planning Meeting 2010 Agenda 1. SSN 2009 Progress Report 2. SSN Research Findings 3. Break-out groups How to secure senior level engagement Smarter ways of working Ask not what SSN can do for you, but what you can do for SSN 4. Business Planning for

APM Report and Key Messages Report finalised and will be posted on CoP in next week. Key messages and actions: 2009 has been another successful year for SSN The 4 programme priorities remain relevant, with a focus on climate change SSN should seek to develop senior level engagement through top-down and bottom-up methods SSN needs to work smarter – do things differently, seek added-value, recognise our initiation role Need to improve flows of information, especially sharing SSN Conference 2010 will adopt a similar format to 2009 Governance and procedural matters need clarifying: Membership, AGM, Steering Group

Membership Criteria & Steering Group Renewal Membership SSN’s Operating Principles paper lists who qualifies to be an SSN member. We will develop membership criteria and resources that clarify who’s a member, what this entails, and how members can more effectively access SSN services. Steering Group Renewal & Procedures Based on clarified membership, and focusing on the critical role of ‘lead-SSN members’ in each council, we will elect new Steering Group members. We will be filling 1 or 2 current vacancies in the next couple of months – to pilot the ‘election’ process We will have a third of steering group members stepping down each year (all can be re- nominated). Three year terms for all new members. Election process will run each year from October to December – with new Steering Group members joining in December ready for APM in early new year. Current Steering Group will remain in-position for time-being. Steering Group members decide on Chair and Vice-Chair. Other Steering Group members will hold portfolios (programme priorities & organisational development roles) Goodwill and Trust will remain key to SSN’s ways of working

SSN Events 2010 Spring QuarterlyCommunications and Behaviour Change strategies and experience SSN ‘General Meeting Wednesday 5th May Tolbooth, Stirling Summer Quarterly Sustainable Procurement Note also: Fair Trade Nation event on 11th June in Inverness Monday 14th June City of Edinburgh Council Autumn Quarterly Public Sector Climate Change Duties Guidance Consultation Report on Policies and Proposals? Thursday 9 th September Venue – looking for a host SSN Conference 2010 Local Government Leadership for a Low Carbon Economy Thursday 4 th November Our Dynamic Earth Edinburgh Winter QuarterlyPublic Engagement on Climate Change? Local authority support for community action on climate change and sustainable development? Thursday 9 th December Venue – looking for a host

Next Steps Annual Planning Meeting and Research Reports will go on the Communities of Practice website Membership criteria and Steering Group procedures will be clarified and communicated to all members Steering Group renewal will be piloted over the next month or so, with full election process in October to December Next Quarterly likely to be 14 th June in Edinburg on Procurement Offers of venues for September and December Quarterlies would be welcomed – talk to SSN staff SSN Conference and events draft programmes will go on the CoP for members to contribute to SSN Conference registration will open by 1 st June, with full publicity materials live from 18 th June