Professional Development Working Party Overview of Proposed Framework and Recommendations
Context of Professional Development for ESOL PD framework needs to prepare ESOL practitioners to teach: A variety of learner groups In a variety of settings and sectors Through programmes which are progressive, accessible and inclusive and Form part of the SCQF
Challenges to be considered when developing a PD framework (1) Availability and accessibility: 1)PD opportunities need to be accessible across Scotland 2)Need to be delivered using on-line/blended learning opportunities Structure and progression: 1)Qualifications framework should be clearly structured and allow smooth progression 2) Planning a PD route should be transparent and should take account of existing qualifications in the field
Challenges to be considered when developing a PD framework (2) Relevance 1)Course content needs to be relevant to delivering new ESOL curriculum to those living and working in Scotland Accountability and Standards 1) Qualifications need to be accredited within SCQF / EQF 2) Current TESOL qualifications need to articulate with professional qualifications in related areas, e.g. FE, CE etc
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 SQA PDA: Introduction to Tutoring ESOL (PDA: ITESOL) 16 credits at SCQF level 6 Language and Learning in ESOL F43X 33 (language development focus) Developing ESOL Tutoring Skills F43W 33 (planning and delivery focus) Pathway A Pathway B Pathway C Cambridge ESOL CELTA Trinity Cert TESOL or equivalent 24 SCQF level7/8 Equivalent qualifications will be mapped to framework. SQA PDA in TESOL 48 SCQF level 9 Analysis of language TESOL methodology Teaching practice in range of settings 24 SCQF level 9 Plus 2 mandatory* and one optional^ Unit (24 SCQF level 9) to include: * Higher description of Language framework and events * ESOL in Scotland ^ ESOL literacies ^ ESOL in Specific Contexts ^ Other units as appropriate Cambridge ESOL DELTA Trinity Dip TESOL or equivalent 60 SCQF level 11 Equivalent qualifications will be mapped to framework. Sector specific professional requirements Example FE sector Teaching Qualification in Further Education TQ(FE) GTCS recognition
Progress to date PDA ITESOL validated and running in a number of centres Pilot study undertaken into feasibility of PDA in TESOL at SCQF Level 9 In principle agreement to fund SQA to commence development work on the PDA in TESOL at SCQF level 9 this year and next. Agreement in principle that SQA should scope out a 'train the trainers' course (credit rated by SQA but not constituting a national award) for staff who would deliver the PDA, thus helping to promote quick early take up.