Enhancement Theme Student Team Members Workshop Megan McHaney Iain Delworth Rebecca MacLennan
Session aims and objectives By the end of this workshop, you will: Understand how Enhancement Themes are a part of national agenda. Know the three areas of this year's Enhancement Theme. Have begun to develop a strategy to engage students at your own institution with the Enhancement Theme. Have begun to identify ways of using the theme to progress Learning and Teaching issues relevant to students at your own institution. Be able to identify key events and activities that they need to participate in. Have started to think about how you can shape the development of the theme at a national level.
Agenda 10:30 Welcome and introductions 11:00 How is the theme being tackled nationally? 11:30 What is DSC and what it means to you? 12:15 Lunch 13:00 How is the theme being tackled locally? 14:15 How are you going to achieve your goals? 15:15 Break 15:30 Succession planning 16:00 How can you become involved at a national level? 16:15 Conclusions
How is the theme being tackled nationally? Aim In this first session we will provide you with an overview of how the new theme is being tackled nationally and how that will have an impact on you and your work as the student team member. Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: Explain what work is being carried out nationally to support the theme. Define the role of each sector agency in supporting the theme.
Outline: 10 min QAA 10 min NUS 5 min sparqs- what support we will be providing. 10 min Q&A
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Overseeing the Enhancement Themes agenda. Enhancement Themes exist because they are part of the Quality Enhancement Framework It’s all about creating a better student experience Each theme is decided by SHEEC (Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee) Overseeing the theme is a steering committee made up of the VPTL, sparqs, NUS Scotland and two student members. Sam Fowels and Correen Dickson
QAA Continued… At institutions the theme is directed through a steering group which is supported by QAA Every institution team has a student member – That’s You! All of you make up the Student Team Member (STM) Network which is support by sparqs and QAA.
NUS Scotland Said above NUS Scotland has a seat on the National Steering Committee NUS gathers opinion on the theme, what areas universities should be working on for the best outcome for students, both right now and in the future. Several ways NUS gathers opinion, one is through different conferences and through education networks. These are meetings with education officers and staff to explore the relevant education issues and work that is happening at our institutions around Enhancement Themes is very relevant to the networks.
NUS Scotland Continued… Universities that work through Enhancement Themes seriously can have a real effect on the student experience Which is why it’s so important that you get involved with your institutions team and tell them what students think is important.
sparqs sparqs is here to support all of you in your role, We want you to be able to help set direction at your institution in regards to what you think is important regarding Enhancement Themes We also want to facilitate more student involvement then just you. sparqs has a seat at the national steering committee as well, we make sure that there are avenues/procedures in place to ensure student involvement at every level.
What is Developing and Supporting the Curriculum and what does it mean to you? Aim: Following on from what’s happening nationally, we will discuss what ‘Developing and Supporting the Curriculum’ means and how it affects you. Objectives: Explain the 3 areas of Developing and Supporting the Curriculum Define what the theme means to you now and identify what direction it should take in the future.
Developing and Supporting the Curriculum 3 Questions 1. How is the curriculum, in the broadest sense, shaped and delivered? 2. Who is it (the curriculum) for – how is the student body changing? 3. What support is required for staff?
Areas of Work to think about Changing Demographics Technological advances Internationalisation Learner Journey Education for a better society Curriculum for Excellence
How is the theme being tackled locally? Aim This session will provide you with the opportunity to talk to other student officers, sector agency staff and NUS officers on the direction you see the theme going at your institution. Objectives By the end of this session you will have: Defined what you want to see happen as a result of the theme at your institution. Start to work on change strategy Heard from others what they want to achieve.
Outline In small groups discussion about the validity of the questions and what they mean to the participants. Create SMART objectives to go away and work on. Share those objectives with the rest of the group.
SMART objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
Points to consider… What is the task or objective? (be specific and realistic) How are you going to achieve this? How will you measure the success? What is your timescale to work on this task/objective? Any other thoughts or comments.
Institutional Plans Can look at your own institutions’ plan. This can be changed if you think they’re not focusing on the right areas Use your SMART objectives to look at the institutional plans
How are you going to achieve your goals? Aim A practically orientated session that will take the object you set in the previous session and start to plan how you will achieve them. Support will be provided by sparqs staff and your fellow officers. Objectives By the end of this session you will have: Created an action plan to achieve the goals you set out in the previous session. Shared those action plans with the rest of the group.
Outline: Card exercise in small groups to explore the different aspects of ‘Change Strategies’ Staying in the small groups facilitate discussion of how they can get the rest of the student body involved, who they need to speak to in their institution and anything other tasks that need completed
1. Identify2. Research 3. Influence4. Sustain
Succession planning Aim This session will help you to help think about how to make Enhancement Theme goals a long term reality within your Students’ Association. Objectives By the end of this session you will have: Will have work through Performa Identify actions that need to be taken now to ensure the change strategy is successful
Performa Take your SMART objective and work through the following columns Actions Required Who is responsible for what? When should it be completed by? How will progress be measured?
How can you become involved at a national level? Aim NUS Scotland, the QAA and sparqs will inform you of how you can get involved with the theme at a national level over the coming months. Objectives By the end of this session you will be able to: Explain how you can get involved at a national level.
February Roadshows Glasgow Date: 1st of Feb Time: 10am-1:30pm Edinburgh Date: 9th of Feb Time: 10am-1:30pm Dundee Date: 29th of Feb Time: 12noon-5pm Register on Enhancement Themes website under Events, then forth coming events or follow the link. events/2011/12/08/developing-and-supporting-the-curriculum- regional-roadshow events/2011/12/08/developing-and-supporting-the-curriculum- regional-roadshow
Enhancement Themes Annual Conference 7th – 8th March 2012 Edinburgh Conference Centre Heriot-Watt University Information on how to register shortly
Education Network (NUS Members) 9th of Feb Time: 12-noon-5pm Venue: Stirling Students Union Sometime in May For more information contact Jane Brown
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