Aiming for advancement through A Curriculum for Excellence Graeme Logan Headteacher Peel Primary School Western Isles Council Headteacher Conference 26 February 2008
Aiming for Advancement Overview of Presentation Examples from our journey to excellence Ideas/ strategies that you can transfer Re-shaping the curriculum Planning for joined-up learning Moving on with formative assessment as part of ACfE What is ‘curriculum architecture’
My aim as a Headteacher…. For every child to become an architect of their own learning
This is a very exciting time for teaching professionals. Be positive ! Or you might turn into…….. Blameless Bob always has an excuse for everything Blameless Bob always has an excuse for everything Whining Wendy complains no matter what she is asked to do Whining Wendy complains no matter what she is asked to do Thumb-twiddling Tom lacks motivation and initiative Thumb-twiddling Tom lacks motivation and initiative Insubordinate subordinate challenges you in front of other workers and managers Insubordinate subordinate challenges you in front of other workers and managers Tortoise Teresa shows up late and is last to do everything Tortoise Teresa shows up late and is last to do everything
Shaping the Curriculum Meeting the needs of the learners in our school What are the core skills/ outcomes we want for every pupil after 7 years of primary ed Promoting: excitement, fun, magic moments, focus on learning to learn
Essential to Every Lesson Sell Benefits Share Content Share Process
Is your lesson worth behaving for ?
Reflection and review 80% of new learning can be lost if not reviewed within 24 hours Who benefits from tutoring/teaching? We remember up to 80% of what we’ve taught Progression in reflective thinking Using the 4 capacities as a main reflection tool Agreed practices: every lesson and every day ends with active reflection on content/ process
Mark was confident when he read his story to the class Claire was confident when she gave a message to Mrs White At Peel we want you to feel confident
Card One What are the aims of reflecting ? Card Two What did you learn today (remember: be specific!) How can you ‘show you know’ Card Three What do you think went really well today Card Four What do you hope for tomorrow ? What should our class target be tomorrow?
ACfE 7 Design Principles: Personalisation and Choice
Joining up learning Where there are natural links for deep, sustained learning 7 design principles poster Updated policy on breadth/balance Dependent on the focus, you might join up 2, 3, 4 or more curricular experiences within an interdisciplinary project Implications for timetables
Evaluate everything in terms of IMPACT and OUCTOMES for pupils Forward Planning process Teacher Evaluations The ‘The Learning Council: learning walks, jotter monitoring, involvement in quality improvement Reflection each day for yourself as a leader The ‘distractions dump’ in the staffroom The most important thing teachers do in non- contact time is plan exciting, memorable lessons
Planning for joined up learning Every school needs to start professional dialogue on re- designing planning for learning Get rid of highlighter pens and post it notes!!! Losing the neat and sterile ‘compartments’ Starting with main pupil outcomes/ highlights for the year ahead Identifying main contexts for learning in the year ahead, then grouping experiences 7 principles poster Emphasis on weekly/ daily planning, minimal medium term plans, big picture route map long term plan Use of ‘I can’ terminology in planning, pupil target setting, reflection, current 5-14 outcomes (example)
Peel Primary School: Forward Planning for Learning
Moving on with Formative Assessment – core feature of ACfE Have you ‘done it’ ! Agreed practices Response policy replacing marking policy, inlcuding, eg, use of 2* as a self/peer tool only. Lesson plenary/ reflection activities using the ‘I can…’ ACfE terminology Central Scotland Partnership
Year of Engagement 07/08 What is your strategy for moving from 5-14 towards ACfE? EA CPD/ support on: outcomes, experiences, architecture. EA planning for transition from 5-14 to ACfE Schools to focus on early adoption of: active learning in P1 and beyond, planning connected learning and inter-disciplinary work Revising curriculum structures, including planning and assessment, guidance to staff on curriculum balance/breadth
ACfE Main Messages… We should never see a classroom where the teacher is sitting at their desk and all the pupils are working individually in silence
Health warning….. ‘If it ain’t happening in the classroom, it ain’t happening !’ The success of your school…….
‘the teacher, like the candle, lights up others while consuming itself’