A brief history of time In the years BC. My years at CERN Current position What is a Technical Coordinator? The different type of intervention periods Closing remarks David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)1
1988 to 1999 SHELL UK: Senior Operations and Instrument technician. 3 year apprenticeship in Aberdeen, Scotland. 8 years working 2 week shift on gas platforms in the southern sector of the North Sea. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)2
Designed and supervised the installation of the Gas Distribution Systems for the 4 main LHC experiments. (ATLAS, CMS, ALICE & LHCb) 100s of individual small diameter stainless steel pipes. over 60km of piping over 40 primary gas storage panels David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)5
6 ATLAS Gas Distribution System
David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)7 Flammable Gas Room Flammable Gas Racks Gas Pipes
Oversaw the installation of the RADmons throughout the LHC 20 Gateways 307 Monitors David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)8 Areas covered Shown in red
David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)9 Point 7 - UJ76 Point 8 R – Q1 UJ88 – end of TI8
Technical Coordinator for the: PS Booster LEIR AD machine. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)10
The SPS Technical Coordination Team David MCFARLANE SPS Technical coordinator Responsible for coordinating all works in the SPS during T.S and Shutdowns. Franck Baïs TSO of the SPS Technical Support David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)11
Official interpretation Supervise and coordinate the work of technical specialists My interpretation Ensure that as much work is done safely, in the short time available. Ensure that no conflicting works are done at the same time Anticipate potential problems and solve them before they occur. Maintain good communication with all equipment specialists. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)12
6.9km of accelerator tunnel. 2.5km of transfer tunnels. 7 main access points. Over 20 surface buildings. 10 pits and 15 lifts. Access to the underground areas is only possible for very short periods of time. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)13
Unplanned Stops of the SPS Planned short technical stops Planned Shutdowns David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)14 The machine remains under the control of Operations and any works carried out during these times is coordinated by them.
Request have to be made via the new IMPACT tool. The technical coordinator will then create a planning for the technical stop. This planning is then presented to the FOM for approval. Once the work has been approved by the FOM, the technical coordinator will then approve the IMPACT requests. A couple of days before the technical stop, the technical coordinator will meet with RP and go through the planning to ensure there are no problems regarding radiation. Where necessary, scheduling will be altered and arrangements made for teams to be accompanied by RP in specific areas. RP give final approval on ALL IMPACTS David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)16
I liaise with Operations in the CCC and oversee all accesses into the SPS. Ensure that the planning is respected. Solve any issues that occur as soon as possible Frank Bais is my eyes and ears on the ground. Checking people are doing what they say they are doing Keeping me up to date with progress of the works Ensuring that all works are being done safely. …. Once all works are completed, I inform Operations that the technical stop is finished and they can start procedures to re-start the machine. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)17
Winter stops. 2010/11 winter stop: Duration - 11 weeks. 2011/12 winter stop: Duration - 13 weeks. Only enough time for the bare minimum of maintenance. Long Shutdowns. LS1: Duration – 20 months Possible to do larger works and campaigns David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)18
Although the technical stop lasted 11 weeks (from the 6 th December 2010 until 21 st February, ) general access for works was only possible for 4 weeks Works coordinated between multiple departments & groups: (EN/BE/TE/GS/DGS) 334 separate jobs requested. 17 required VICs (Visite d'Inspection Commune - Joint Inspection) Changed 8 magnets Replaced 2 kickers in BA4, Replaced 2 Septa magnets in BA6, Multiple cabling campaigns, upgrades to the UA9 experiment located in BA5, Installation works on the SPS collimators. Measurement of the SPS quads in the Vertical plane and realignment where necessary. Complete maintenance of the cooling water systems and compressed air systems Maintenance of all SPS lifts Lighting campaign around all of the SPS HIRADMAT related works in BA6 and BA7 David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)19 Magnet tests Xmas break General access EPC tests Start-up 1 week2 weeks4 weeks2 weeks
David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)20 How do I juggle all these jobs?How do I make all the pieces fit?
David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)21 Teams directly involved: Magnets, CV, Vacuum, transport, Survey. Teams indirectly involved: EL, Lift maintenance, any team working in the area.
David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ) separate lines
IMPACT Microsoft Project Planning meeting 9 meetings for 2010/11 shutdown 9 meetings for 2011/12 meetings Specific task meetings Magnet change campaigns CV works Cable campaigns Etc. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)25
Beam off to Beam on: Duration is 20 months. 11 th February 2013 until 15 th October 2014 General access: Duration is 15 months. 25 th March 2013 until 27 th June David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)26
Majors works include: Large cable campaigns at each point Replacement of irradiated cables at BA1 and TCC2 Installation of Fibre optics at multiple points Re-alignment of the entire SPS 18kV transformer consolidation, Draining of the SPS cooling water ring main and replacing main valves. Magnet replacement campaign Installation of up to 16 new coated magnets in BA5 Replacement of Kicker tanks. Vacuum consolidation works Modification of sectorization. SPS Dampers RF Power plant maintenance and upgrade Replacement of Septas ……. David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ) 27
Planning is constantly evolving A planning schedule is only complete the day after the machine is closed. LS2 is already being mentioned!!! David MCFARLANE (EN_MEF_INJ)28 Thank you for your attention.