TESOL Materials Design and Development Week 5: Workshop & Lecture on Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and using Language Analysis in Lesson Planning.


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Presentation transcript:

TESOL Materials Design and Development Week 5: Workshop & Lecture on Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) and using Language Analysis in Lesson Planning

Homework Post your weekly entry to the discussion board and reply to at least two other participants’ entries.

Student Learning Objectives Think about the following questions on your own: 1.What is the difference between statement of objectives and statement of aims? 2.Is it an aim or is it an objective; identify the following: To teach pages By the end of the lesson SWBAT ask and answer Qs using frequency adverbs (always, often, sometime, seldom, never) in the dialog (A: How often do you _____? B: I _____ ______.) by conducting a class survey of Ss daily routines. Ss will come to appreciate and understand French culture 3.What is a student learning objective? 4.What do we mean by “observable behavior?”

Student Learning Objectives Think about the following questions on your own: 5. Why should we use an student learning objective (SLO)? 6. When should you make a SLO? 7. What do you need to think about when you create an SLO? 8. Who needs to know the SLO? 9. How do you prepare students to succeed in reaching the SLO? 10. How do you know if the SLO is too easy or too hard?

To make sure it ’ s a fair test, I ’ m going to give you all the same task. All I want you to do is climb up into that tree … Realistic Objective?

What is the difference between the verbs in the left column and the verbs in the right column according to learning objectives? RankUnderstand Answer Appreciate Create Learn ListKnow Ask Use Give Identify Write Tell Categorize Describe Evaluate Paraphrase Retell

“SMART” objectives S - specific M - measurable A - achievable R – relevant T – time bound

Look at the sample objectives on the next slide and answer the following questions: Which is the clearest? Which best indicates the student behavior you want to see by the end of the lesson?

1.By the end of the lesson, s tudents w ill b e a ble t o (SWBAT) use Spanish to introduce themselves and their peers to each other 2.By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate the ability to greet each other by using “Hola Mi Nombre es…..” by doing a mingle activity in which students meet and greet each other in Spanish. 3.By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate the ability to understand how Spanish is used to greet someone and introduce people to each other.

What do you think of this objective? By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the rules for third person singular verb forms of regular and irregular verbs BY completing a fill-in-the blank worksheet. Please rephrase “completing a fill-in-the-blank worksheet” into something more meaningful and authentic as well as observable and measurable. Remember the goal of a speaking lesson is to have the Ss using the language productively; therefore; the behavior you need at the end of the lesson involves using the TL.

Compare your ideas with these possible changes: By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the rules for third person singular verb forms of regular and irregular verbs… by producing the correct form of the third person singular for regular and irregular verbs in writing - given the infinitive forms. by identifying incorrect forms of 3rd person singular regular and irregular verbs and providing the correct form. by producing the correct forms in a written description of someone’s daily activities.

A more appropriate SLO By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of the rules for third person singular verb forms of regular and irregular verbs… BY interviewing their partner about their daily routine and then sharing what they have learned with another classmate in a double interview activity

Creating Objectives * Remember the key is to think about the language needed to complete a communicative task that students will demonstrate by the end of the lesson; this task should be based on what the students have learned from all the activities they participated in during the lesson. It might be helpful to use the following “formula”: By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate (TL – functons & notions – knowledge, & skills) by (doing something = the assessment activity)__.

By the end of the lesson, SWBAT make statements about and ask basic questions using comparatives (i.e.: “X is taller than Y” and “Is X taller than Y?”) by conducting a class survey about famous Korean people. The Comparative 1 Sample Lesson

SLO Formula By the end of the lesson, SWBAT ___________________________ by __________________________________ _______.

Practice Make detailed objectives for the following productive skill lessons: Vocabulary: family members (mother, uncle, etc); asking/answering Qs about family photos Function: giving and receiving directions; drawing the route/path on a map Grammar: simple past tense; asking answering questions about past activities

Vocabulary –By the end of the lesson SWBAT describe their family using the TL (mother, father…) by describing people in a family photo album. Function –By the end of the lesson SWBAT ask for and give directions using the TL (A: Excuse, me can you tell me where the ____ is? B: Yes, ….. ) by doing “Find the Treasure” information gap activity. Grammar –By the end of the lesson SWBAT ask and answer Qs using the simple past tense e.g. (A: What did you ___? B: ____ I _____.) by doing “Conversation Grid” interview activity.

Language Analysis: What you do before you write an SLO Here is a condensed form of Scrivener’s steps (P. 206) Are there any you want to add/remove? Select the grammar topic, Fine-tune: What is, isn’t included, other meanings, negative form, question, typical Ss problems Make sentences and choose one as a representative, Decide on a situational context or text to teach the grammar form Analyse the form, meaning and use Write your student learning objective (SLO)

Let’s practice together The grammar item is: Tag questions. What are some typical sentences?(5-10) What do we need to consider? E.g. Verb form, pronunciation, negative, answering What are some common Ss errors? Where might they have difficulty? What situations and places is the grammar usually used in?

Tag Questions Continued What is our ‘representative sentence?’ What are some ‘concept check questions?’ (Some of these should relate to the Ss common errors) What is our ‘main aim’? How do we need to modify this to produce an SLO?

“SMART” objectives S - specific M - measureable A - achieveable R – relevant T – time bound

Creating Objectives * Remember the key is to think about the language needed to complete a communicative task that students will demonstrate by the end of the lesson; this task should be based on what the students have learned from all the activities they participated in during the lesson. It might be helpful to use the following “formula”: By the end of the lesson, SWBAT demonstrate (TL – functons & notions – knowledge, & skills) by (doing something = the assessment activity)__.

Make Your Own SLO It’s time to start thinking about your mid- term project which will be due in week 10. You will be writing a lesson plan and selecting, adapting and supplementing materials for each stage of the lesson The first step is to make your SLO Choose TL and include your SLO with your weekly posting to the discussion forum