Partial sight – Mk.8:1-38;9:30-37; 10:32-45 1.The identity of Jesus – 8:27-30 A miracle is needed to see that Jesus is God’s Messiah – v.29 Mt.16:17 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Partial sight – Mk.8:1-38;9:30-37; 10: The identity of Jesus – 8:27-30 A miracle is needed to see that Jesus is God’s Messiah – v.29 Mt.16:17 2. The mission of Jesus – 8:31,32;9:30-32; 10:32-34,45 a. The enmity, betrayal & great suffering The disciples do not understand -8:32;9:32; 10:35f

The mission of Jesus b. The purpose of the cross – 10:45 Jesus’ death was:- 1. Voluntary – “He gave his life” 2. Essential – we were slaves of sin & death 3. Costly – the ransom price was his death 1 Pet.1:18,19 4. Effective – we have been set free – Col.2:13-15

The mission of Jesus The disciples have only partial sight – they see Jesus as the Christ, but not the suffering Christ a.Peter rebukes Jesus – 8:32,33 b.The disciples want status & power - 9:33,34;10:35-41

3. The call of Jesus -8:34-38; 9:35-37;10:42-44 The mission of Jesus was characterized by:- a.Death b.Humility – Phil.2:5-8 c.Serving – John13:1-17 Why are we surprised when he calls us to the same things

The call of Jesus a.Death – 8:34-37 “Take up your cross” 1. Self-denial – “Your will be done, not what I want” contrast 10:35 2. Put to death our sinful desires – Gal.5:24 Col.3:5-9; Mt.5:29,30 3. Die to the world’s agenda & live for the Gospel – 8:35-38; Col.3:1-3

The call of Jesus b. Humility – 9:35-37 c. Serving – 10:42-44 James & John were concerned about status, Power, comfort & others serving them. - that is worldly thinking – 10:42 - they are to be servants – 10: suffering before glory – 10:37-40 Acts 5:41; 12:1,2; Rev.1:9

4. God’s call to us a.Believe in Jesus – God’s saviour & King b.Glory in Jesus, the suffering Christ c.Follow in his footsteps:- - suffering now, glory then - death is the way to life - weakness is the secret to power – humble service