Verb review Directions to create a booklet with essential verb review.
We will use 5 pages and fold them in the middle to create a 19 page illustrated booklet which you will continue adding to during the semester.
For each page, remember to write down: The infinitive in French What it means in Each The conjugation (every subject pronoun) Write a sentence in French in which you use the verb. Illustrate. Bravo!!!
Cover Page: Write and illustrate each subject pronoun in French after the powerpoint review (click on the powerpoint to view):
Page 1 (after Cover page) To Be View video for review: Etre remix
Page 2: To Have View review video:
Page 3 Review –er verbs View this review powerpoint: View video: detailpage&v=OrB69wLMNQE detailpage&v=OrB69wLMNQE etailpage&v=Xv4nRXD6oEk
Page 4: -ir verbs View this powerpoint review (click on this powerpoint): View videos: =player_detailpage =player_detailpage Mexican Hat song: 495A9F96A38C3CA&index=1h 495A9F96A38C3CA&index=1
Page 5: -RE Verbs Watch review Powerpoint: Song:
Page 6: To Go Review song: &feature=player_detailpage What happens when “To go” is used as an auxiliary (helping verb?). Please write down the tense, the rule and an example.
Page 7: To do/ to make Review song :
Page 8: To Come/ To Come back/ To Become Lecon: er_detailpage&v=G2ennDfrhhA#t=43s er_detailpage&v=G2ennDfrhhA#t=43s Add the prefixes “RE” (come back) And “DE” ( become)to cahnege the meaning of to Come.
Page 9: TO TAKE (to LEARN- To UNDERSTAND) torfE torfE Change the prefix to “ AP” to change the meaning to “learn” and change the prefix to “COMP” to change the meaning to “understand”
Page 10: Can tc&feature=player_detailpage tc&feature=player_detailpage
Last page: To want
For each page, remember to write down: The infinitive in French What it means in Each The conjugation (every subject pronoun) Write a sentence in French in which you use the verb. Illustrate. Bravo!!!