Little Albert Experiment Jordan Krasienko / brian buffington
The People Involved John B. Watson born January 8, September 25, 1958 He established the psychological school of behaviorism. Rosaline Rayner Born September 25,1898-june18, 1935 Was the assistant and later wife of John B. Watson
The Purpose The Little Albert experiment was a case study showing empirical evidence of classical conditioning in humans. This study was also an example of stimulus generalization. It was carried out by John B. Watson and his graduate student, Rosalie Rayner, at Johns Hopkins University.
Summarized Experiment John Watson, Rosaline Rayner and Albert B The next time Albert was exposed the rat, Watson made a loud noise by hitting a metal pipe with a hammer. Naturally, the child began to cry after hearing the loud noise. After repeatedly pairing the white rat with the loud noise, Albert began to cry simply after seeing the rat. Watson and Rayner wrote: "The instant the rat was shown, the baby began to cry. Almost instantly he turned sharply to the left, fell over on his left side, raised himself on all fours and began to crawl away so rapidly that he was caught with difficulty before reaching the edge of the table." John Hopkin's University and the first results were published February 1920 in the journal of experimental psychology.
Results Watson used the same kind of classical conditioning as Pavlov had used in his experiments with Little Albert seemed to generalize his response to furry objects so that when Watson sent a non-white rabbit into the room seventeen days after the original experiment, Albert also became distressed. He showed similar reactions when presented with a furry dog, a seal-skin coat, and even when Watson appeared in front of him wearing a Santa Claus mask with white cotton balls as his beard. Albert did not fear everything with hair; and there was some confusing results when pairing the noise with the rabbit and dog
Problems Of The Result most distorted study in the history of psychology No Clear Evidence No Desensitizing Potential Health Issues Permission From Parents
Would We Participate? Brian/Jordan Hell No! this experiment would ruin your life. such as you see a certain animal think of the nose you heard and cringe or do something embarrassing.
Damon King