2012 Missionary Prayer Guide March 4, 2012 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Jim and Wylene: 1. That there will be an increase in BGCO baptisms as the work continues with smaller in attendance churches (SAC) and the associations. 2. For opportunities and wisdom to help SAC pastors and church leaderships have a burden for the lost and a desire for being equipped to share Jesus. 3. For good health and safety in travel.
2012 Missionary Prayer Guide March 11, 2012 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Cris and Danisa: 1. For the right consultants to be brought into the process. 2. That churches will do whatever it takes to reach kids and grandkids. 3. For young adults to respond to the simple story of Jesus as it is shared with them. 4. For wisdom in developing resources. 5. For safety in travel.
2012 Missionary Prayer Guide March 18, 2012 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Terry and Ginger: 1. That the lost in Kansas and Nebraska will hear the Gospel and respond to His free gift of Eternal Life. 2. That the saved in Kansas and Nebraska will fully surrender to Christ and be led and empowered by Him each day. 3. That the financial resources will be discovered to begin building the Lindsay Leadership Center at the Webster Conference Center. 4. That he will be totally surrendered to Christ each day and will fully realize and fulfill what he has been called to do. 5. That he will bring glory to God in all that he thinks, does and says.
2012 Missionary Prayer Guide March 25, 2012 Today’s Specific Prayer Requests for Tom and Tommie: 1. For enlisting, equipping and sending out chaplains into the oilfields in His timing across the globe. 2. For a greater recognition and acceptance of Oil Patch Chaplains by the oil and gas industry. 3. For local churches to become more aware of this unreached people group (oilfield workers) and more involved in reaching them. 4. For oilfield families to be protected and strengthened. 5. For spiritual awakening and renewal in the oilfield personnel from top to bottom.