Request for Environmental Services (RES) Missouri Local Programs How to Complete The Request for Environmental Services
Why Submit the RES Form? Every federally funded transportation project must have an environmental classification. Most project receive a categorical exclusion commonly known as a CE The form also helps the environmental specialists at MoDOT identify additional clearances that might be necessary.
When Do We Submit the RES Form? Submit the RES within 30 days of PE obligation or early in the design phase of the project. FHWA must approve the NEPA classification prior to 35% plan completion. The Section 106 clearance & NEPA classification must be approved before Right of Way acquisition can begin.
Infrastructure Projects
Filling Out the RES Form – Basic Information The top sections of the form include basic location information and cost data. Enter the project data into each cell. The project cost estimate for each category should be entered into the cost estimate boxes. A $60,000 estimate for PE would be entered as $ Suburban City 2. STP 1234(567) MO 7 6. Transportation Enhancement 7. None 8. February 28, This project is to construct a sidewalk from I-70 to US 40 Highway In this example, the LPA should enter the Agency Name in box #1.
Cost Estimate Information PE R/WRoadway BridgeInspection UtilityTotal Cost Estimate $60 $400 $20 $480 Cost Estimate Breakdown (In $1,000):
Filling Out the RES Form Facility Information The next sections ask for engineering information about the existing facility and the proposed design improvement. Functional Classification: ADT: Speed Limit: Design Speed: Number of Travel Lanes: Lane width: Shoulder width: Curb & gutter? Yes/No Bridge width, measured from gutterline to gutterline: Sidewalks? (Lt/Rt./Both/None) Sidewalk width : Parking Allowed (Y/N) : Bridge Length: Roadway Length: EXISTING CONDITIONPROPOSED DESIGN IMPROVEMENT
Filling Out the RES Form Facility Information To help the environmental team assess the project area, the impacts of the projects on nearby natural and man-made features must be identified. This section identifies features, such as nearby parks, underground fuel tanks and required right of way. Topography ? (Flat/Rolling) Railroad Crossing ? Y/N Drainage District (if applicable)? Is the project on or adjacent to MoDOT ROW? Will additional right of way or easement be acquired? (Y/N) Est. additional ROW (in acres): Est. Perm. Easements: Est. Temp. Easements: Right of way acquisition by: (Consultant/Local Agency/Other) Design by: (Consultant/Local Agency/Other) ROW or Easements from Parks/Public Lands? (Y/N) Any residential/commercial displacements? (Y/N) If yes, give detail of how many and whether residential and/or commercial: Any known locations of gas stations, landfills, other hazardous waste concerns? (Y/N) If yes, describe: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
Filling Out the RES Form Non-Infrastructure Information The RES form has a few questions for non-infrastructure projects. These types of projects could be vehicle purchases, research and outreach or education projects and studies or preliminary engineering only projects. For non-infrastructure projects only Will the project identify future infrastructure improvements: (Y/N) If yes, what kind? Expected final product submittals: (ex: Feasibility Study, Summary Report, Estimate, Outreach Efforts Documented, etc.)
Filling Out the RES Form Flood and Hydraulic Design This section of the form identifies impacts on or near waterways. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFIP) AND HYDRAULIC DESIGN DATA: Is Local Agency a participant in the NFIP? Is the project in a FEMA-identified Zone, “subject to 100-year flooding”? (If so, what Zone?) Is the project in a FEMA-defined “floodway”? Does the project involve land purchased through FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (Flood buyout property)? REMARKS:
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