WITH VIDEOS with Danny Tan and Johanathan Woodworth
OUTLINE Strategy Overview and Description Discussion of three types of video evaluation, with short samples lip-synching dubbing learner creations Participation Engagement: In groups of 4-5, participants go to each station and do the work on the handouts Peer observation: As a whole group, we watch the results Discussion and Questions Final Comments
Strategy Overview: Some Definitions Segmental Smallest unit of sound Supra-Segmental Vocal effect that extends over more than one unit of sound (segmental) Intonation Sound combinations Stress Reduction, elition, linking, etc.
Strategy Overview: The Integrated Approach Practices segmentals Uses segmentals in context Fosters awareness of the rules and exceptions Nurtures learner auto-correction Celebrates ownership and language successes
Lip-synching Emphasizes mouth positions to create accurate sounds Mimics native speakers mouth movements Develops learners awareness of articulation
Dubbing Focuses learners’ onto stress- based language perception and production Encourages students to focus listening for reduction, elition and deletion of function words Develops students’ intonation patterns
Learner Creations Allows for ownership of phonetic awareness and phonemic development Encourages creativity and self-awareness of language development Challenges learners to accumulate and use strategies
Implications Sustains language learning Scaffolds Presenting objectives in a clear and organized manner Building upon previous lessons Synthesizes the old and new information