Organic Chemistry
Complex Substituents Ex. 1 IUPAC Name
Draw the structure and give the molecular formula for each of the following compounds. 1. t-butyl-cyclohexane 2. 1,1-dimethyl-3-(1,1,3-tri-methyl-butyl)-cyclooctane
Sharpes of alkanes sp 3 -Hybridization -Long-chain -Branched-chain C 4 H 10 Isomers
Isomers Same formula Different structure Different molecule with different properties – must have a different name! Isomers are different compounds with the same molecular formula.
Types of Isomers All Isomers Constitutional isomers (Structural isomers) Stereo isomers Cis-trans isomers (Geometric isomers) Other diastereomers (two or more chirality centers) DiastereomersEnantiomers
Constitutional isomers (Structural isomers) are isomers that differ in the order in which atoms are boned together. Isomers are different compounds with the same molecular formula. Constitutional isomers Structural isomers Positional Isomerism Skeletal Isomerism or Chain Isomerism Functional Isomerism
Skeletal Isomerism (Chain Isomerism) or Positional Isomerism Isomer of C 4 H 10
Isomer of C 4 H 8
Functional Isomerism
Isomer C 5 H 12
C 6 H 14
C 7 H 16
Molecular Formula Possible Number of constitutional Isomers Molecular Formula Possible Number of constitutional Isomers C 4 H 10 2 C 15 H 32 4,347 C 5 H 12 3 C 20 H ,319 C 6 H 14 5 C 30 H 62 4,111,846,763 C 7 H 16 9 C 40 H 82 62,481,801,147,341 C 8 H C 9 H C 10 H Number of alkane isomers
Stereoisomers -Geometrical Isomers (cis-trans isomers) -Optical Isomers Stereoisomers are isomers that differ only in the orientation of atoms in space.
Optical Isomers (s)-(+)- Cycloartenol Polarimetry
Types of Isomers All Isomers Constitutional isomers (Structural isomers) Stereo isomers Cis-trans isomers (Geometric isomers) Other diastereomers (two or more chirality centers) DiastereomersEnantiomers
Enantiomers are mirror-image isomers. R = RECTUS, UPRIGHT S = SINISTER, LEFT
Geometrical Isomers (cis-trans isomers)
Cis trans Cis Cis : Having similar group on the same side of a double bond or a ring. trans : Having similar group on opposite side of a double bond or a ring. Z : Having the higher-priority groups on the same side of a double bond or a ring. E : Having the higher-priority groups on opposite side of a double bond or a ring.
Physical Properties of Alkanes -Solubilities -Desities
Physical Properties of Alkanes
Boiling Points of Alkanes
-Surface area -Van der Waals attractions Intermolecular forces -Dipole-dipole -Van der Waals forces -Hydrogen bond
Boiling Points of Alkanes bp Structure
WHY ???
-Desities d C
Reactions of Alkanes Combustion reaction CH 4 + O 2 C 5 H 12 + O 2
Substitution reaction -Halogenation reaction Heat or light
Mechanism of Halogenation reaction A radical mechanism 3 step -step 1 Chain Initiation -step 2 Chain Propagration -step 3 Chain Termination
step 1 Chain Initiation Chlororination of Methane Mech… step 2 Chain Propagration Mech…
step 3 Chain Termination
EX 1. CH 3 CH 2 CH 3 Cl 2 Light, 25 o C
Radicals (or free racdicals) are reactive intermediateds that have an unpaired electron. The relative stability of alkyl radical is as follows : High LOW