HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS HPV is a DNA virus that affects the anus, genital track, or throat, and is the most common STD. It is spread through any type of sexual intercourse such as oral, vaginal, or anal sex. There are many different types of HPV and though rare, some can cause health problems. But there are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening. There are over 100 types of HPV but about 30 of them cause genital infections and about 70 of them cause infections somewhere else in the body.
SYMPTOMS Most people with HPV don’t develop symptoms or health problems from it. In 90% of cases, the body’s immune system clears HPV within two years. However, people can develop genital warts and types of cancer such as throat or cervical cancer.
CERVICAL CANCER Cervical cancer is only in women because it only happens when there is abnormal cell growth in the cervix. It’s one of the most common cancers in women worldwide but not as common in the US. It can be treated well if found early. Symptoms include: Pain in the lower belly or pelvis. Pain during sex. Vaginal discharge that isn't normal
GENITAL WARTS Genital warts usually appear as a small bump or groups of bumps in the genital area. They can be small or large, raised, or flat. Warts can appear within weeks or months after sexual contact with an infected partner—even if the infected partner has no signs of genital warts. If left untreated, genital warts might go away, remain unchanged, or increase in size or number. Warts will not turn into cancer, but some cancers can cause warts.
ORAL HPV Some types of oral HPV can cause cancers of the head and neck area (high risk). Other types of oral HPV can cause warts in the mouth or throat (low risk). There is a disease called Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP) where warts or tumors grow in the throat due to HPV 6 or HPV 11. RRP affects adults as well as infants and small children who may have contracted the virus during childbirth.
TREATMENT There are not any treatments for HPV itself, but there are treatments for the things it causes. Every single one can be prevented with a vaccine. Gardasil- Gardasil is a 3 dose vaccine for males and females of the age It helps protect against 4 types of HPV. In girls, Gardasil helps protect against 2 types of HPV that cause about 75% of cervical cancer cases, and 2 more types that cause about 90% of genital warts cases. In boys, It helps protect against approximately 90% of genital warts cases. For cervical cancer, you can get a Paps test (AKA Pap smear) where a picec of cotton or wooden stick is used to scrape cells from the surface of the cervix o see how severe the cervical cancer is. Or they can do a pelvic exam. Genital warts will probably go away. But if they don’t, you can get them removed. Throat cancer- throat cancer has been demonstrated to respond very well to almost all forms of therapy, including surgery, external beam radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.
FACTS ABOUT HPV The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) says that almost every person who is sexually active will acquire HPV at some point in their life. Cancers of the oropharynx (throat cancer) are about three times more common in men than women. You can have HPV your entire life and may not even have symptoms until you’re much older. About 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. About 14 million people become newly infected each year. People who often have anal intercourse or have weak immune systems are more likely to get HPV. Currently, there is no HPV test recommended for men.