Advanced samples Printing two types of labels from two different custom forms We have two different labels that contain the same data. One is suitable for larger packages while the other is for smaller. General shape of the label is defined and fixed. Actual data (product name and description, Barcode, etc.) will be typed in before printing or gained from database.
Label production Solution with Label Gallery software Label Gallery is used for general label design and print. Big label: Small label:
Label production Solution with Label Gallery software GalleryForm is used to create forms where variable data are either: entered before printing or gained from database Type of label and printer is selected before print.
Label Gallery Design and print labels Create new label, select printer Create new label, select printer and label size and label size Create variables for variable fields Create variables for variable fields containing product, containing product, number, description, barcode... number, description, barcode... Put variables on label Put variables on label Add barcode and link it Add barcode and link it with barcode variable with barcode variable Create another smaller label Create another smaller label with the same variables. with the same variables. Now you can already print labels with prompted contents.
GalleryForm Create user interface for label production Create the form attached to the Create the form attached to the label using the New Form Wizard. label using the New Form Wizard. Edit fields are automatically created Edit fields are automatically created for each label’s variable field. You for each label’s variable field. You can then change the general form can then change the general form appearance by clicking on objects appearance by clicking on objects and setting options. and setting options. Add Combo box for select label Add Combo box for select label type. Connect it with variable type. Connect it with variable ˝Label˝, which you have created ˝Label˝, which you have created before in GalleryForm. before in GalleryForm. Add Combo box for select printers. Add Combo box for select printers. Connect it with variable ˝Printer˝, Connect it with variable ˝Printer˝, which you have created before in which you have created before in GalleryForm. GalleryForm. Create print button and button ˝Back to main form˝. Create print button and button ˝Back to main form˝.
GalleryForm Create user interface for label production Create Main Form and connect it with both forms. connect it with both forms. Main form will help you easily Main form will help you easily access to desired form access to desired form
Sample contents Which files make this sample... Label files product label - small.lbl and product label - big.lbl. Both designed with Label Gallery Label files product label - small.lbl and product label - big.lbl. Both designed with Label Gallery Form files Form.xff, FormDB.xff and MainForm.xff all created with GalleryForm Form files Form.xff, FormDB.xff and MainForm.xff all created with GalleryForm
Finally More info on Label Gallery For more information about Label Gallery, demo versions, updates… contact your software vendor or see the following Web page: