Beth Russell Scientific Communications and Data Specialist NOAA Science On a Sphere Data Updates for Science On a Sphere
New Organization New Datasets Updated Webpages Future Plans Outline Sea Ice and Snow Concentrations
New Organization The FTP site is now structured to look like the data catalog with all datasets organized into five categories: –Atmosphere –Astronomy –Land –Models and Simulations –Oceans Each dataset is in it’s own folder under the appropriate category This should make it easier to find datasets on the FTP site There is an “attic” folder with the old organization
The new folders contain all related available materials including: –P1, P2, P3, P4 –Folder with raw images named for the size of the images –An equatorial cylindrical equidistant video (.mp4) of the data –Text file labeled labels.txt –Text file labeled playlist.sos –Colorbars –Media folder with images, videos, and supporting documents Similar datasets have been grouped together to reflect the website. –For example, the “aerosols” folder has three folders in it, one for each of the aerosol datasets New Organization
The playlist.sos files are used to simplify the playlists There can be multiple versions of the playlist.sos in each dataset folder – make sure to name them differently The format for playlist.sos is similar to the format used for each individual dataset in the playlists There are a couple of new features New Organization Black Carbon Model
# NASA Aerosol Prediction product # Black Carbon - Model Prediction # Model Start - Jan 31, hours hour forecast name = Aerosol Black Carbon Optical Thickness data = blackcarbon_2048.mp4 label = labels.txt firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 keywords = aerosol, model, prediction, carbon, soot, air quality fps = 25 pip = colorbar.png piptimer = 0 pipalpha = 1.0 category = atmosphere creator = NASA publisher = NOAA # URL = New Organization Example playlist.sos:
New Organization # NASA Aerosol Prediction product # Black Carbon - Model Prediction # Model Start - Jan 31, hours hour forecast name = Aerosol Black Carbon Optical Thickness data = blackcarbon_2048.mp4 label = labels.txt firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 keywords = aerosol, model, prediction, carbon, soot, air quality fps = 25 pip = colorbar.png piptimer = 0 pipalpha = 1.0 category = atmosphere creator = NASA publisher = NOAA # URL = New Features: Because playlist.sos is in the same folder as the data you don’t need to list the entire directory location. Simply include the name of data. The same is true for labels, colorbars, and pictures.
New Organization # NASA Aerosol Prediction product # Black Carbon - Model Prediction # Model Start - Jan 31, hours hour forecast name = Aerosol Black Carbon Optical Thickness data = blackcarbon_2048.mp4 label = labels.txt firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 keywords = aerosol, model, prediction, carbon, soot, air quality fps = 25 pip = colorbar.png piptimer = 0 pipalpha = 1.0 category = atmosphere creator = NASA publisher = NOAA # URL = New Features: Keywords will eventually be used to help users search for datasets. (This hasn’t yet been added to all of the datasets.)
New Organization # NASA Aerosol Prediction product # Black Carbon - Model Prediction # Model Start - Jan 31, hours hour forecast name = Aerosol Black Carbon Optical Thickness data = blackcarbon_2048.mp4 label = labels.txt firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 keywords = aerosol, model, prediction, carbon, soot, air quality fps = 25 pip = colorbar.png piptimer = 0 pipalpha = 1.0 category = atmosphere creator = NASA publisher = NOAA # URL = New Features: The new library uses this category listing to create a playlist for each category that includes all datasets that have this in their playlist.sos.
New Organization # NASA Aerosol Prediction product # Black Carbon - Model Prediction # Model Start - Jan 31, hours hour forecast name = Aerosol Black Carbon Optical Thickness data = blackcarbon_2048.mp4 label = labels.txt firstdwell = 1000 lastdwell = 2000 keywords = aerosol, model, prediction, carbon, soot, air quality fps = 25 pip = colorbar.png piptimer = 0 pipalpha = 1.0 category = atmosphere creator = NASA publisher = NOAA # URL = New Features: These listings make sure that the dataset is properly credited. The creator is the organization that actually created the data and the publisher is the SOS site that formatted the data for display on SOS. These will also be used in the future as a search tool, and also a way to create playlists containing all the data from one creator or publisher
The collection of datasets at NOAA is over 150! Some of the new datasets are in house from NOAA scientists, other new datasets are from other SOS sites We recently copied all of the datasets from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to our SOS Our hope is to get datasets from all SOS sites to promote the sharing and distribution of the data When we copy data from a site, we put it on the FTP server to make it available to everyone New Datasets Great White Shark Migration
Some of the new datasets include: –Minimum Sea Ice from 1987 – 2007 –Greenland Melting Trends –Sea Level Rising –Loggerhead Sea Turtle Tracking –Aerosol Optical Thickness –NOAA’s CarbonTracker –Aqua Satellite with MODIS Swath –Cumulative Earthquakes 1980 – 1995 –Jupiter with Two Storms –All-Sky maps with Constellations And MANY more … New Datasets NOAA’s CarbonTracker
Check out the Data Catalog online to explore all of the new datasets that are now available All of the new datasets are available on the FTP server and are included in the gallery online for you to view As you make new datasets, let us know. If you are willing to share them, we would love to have them! We want to serve as the “clearing house” for all of your datasets. New Datasets Aqua Satellite with MODIS Swath
Some minor modifications have occurred to –Moved the “Gallery” into the “Downloads” section –Made “Datasets” a category in the title bar along the top of the page for easier access If you have suggestions for things you would like to see added to the webpage, please let me know Updated Webpages Day Night Terminator
Probably the most helpful addition for you: Updated Webpages At the bottom of each page in the online Data Catalog we’ve added a link to the FTP site for easy access to download new datasets Check it out at:
Currently working on script for a climate change playlist to make available to SOS sites Collect, organize, and distribute datasets from SOS sites Continue to work with NOAA scientists to expand our dataset collection Organize datasets into a searchable database QUESTIONS?? Future Plans