This PowerPoint accompanies Jill’s presentation on Low Tech Accommodations and Modifications. It includes the slides that Jill shows in her video.
Low Tech Accommodations & Modifications For the Inclusion Classroom Presented By: Jill Slaughter Maury County AT
1st Step in an AT Evaluation Check to make sure that the student is receiving appropriate accommodations and/or modifications!
Modified Grading Scale Change the way a student is graded. Tests, assignments, & overall grade. Modify the weight of tests, notebooks and assignments. Adding points can be a form of modified grading scale.
After the “Modified Grading Scale” is explained...
Daily Modified Grading Scale Download this file from the website
Questions in Small Groups of Ten or Less Sticky Notes or Cut Folders in half or thirds Literally cut questions into pieces Highlight Key Terms & Key Phrases Highlighters and Highlighter Tape Teach students to highlight key terms in the directions Modify Test Format
Open Book and Open Book with Clues Mark pages in book with Post It Flags Mark paragraphs with Highlighting tape Word Bank for Fill in the Blank & Labeling Write Word Bank on Post It Place each answer on a small sticky then place around diagram Modify Test Format
The Asterisk Method The teacher differentiates the questions he/she wants to ask, about a unit, into two levels: Level One: Must Know Questions Level Two: Nice To Know Questions Abbreviate Test Concepts Low Tech Solution... Use different color highlighters or colored dots
Abbreviated Assignments Shorten Reading assignments by amount or spread out over a few days Cut assign. into pieces, literally Break assign. into groups of 10 or less by drawing a box around groups. Pair student with a partner, write in different colors Fill in blanks of teacher’s notes for note taking
Study Guide Specific Questions, not tell me about “George Washington” Provide page numbers Fill in the blank Spacing, use a colored overlay strip to focus on one question Highlight key words & phrases with highlighters & tape First letter of the answer Post It Flash Cards T-Notes Plus
Behavior Contract Student & Teacher agree upon unacceptable behaviors Student & Teacher agree upon acceptable changes in behaviors Student & Teacher agree upon rewards and consequences Student & Teacher agree upon unacceptable behaviors Student & Teacher agree upon acceptable changes in behaviors Student & Teacher agree upon rewards and consequences
Taped Materials Usually the classroom text comes with a set of CDs or online. Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic. RFBD has some Cliff Notes on CD Start to Finish Books
Spacing & Visuals Space items so that text it clear Leave enough space to write answers or work out Math Problems Use color paper to draw interest to work Colored overlays Raised lined paper Graph paper Dry erase boards Contact paper on desk Use flag to remind student what question they are answering Use typed worksheets and tests Provide answers vertically to avoid looking past answers Underline key terms in a question Page Ups Webber Handwriting Paper CD (Software)
Other Aids See It Right Colored Overlays Writing with Dry-Erase markers on plain overlay Sticky “shelf” liner
Extra Grade Opportunities Re-do missed items Re-take tests Extra project Extra credit Grade for note taking Grade for turning in assignments Show all work for extra points in Math
Sources Webber Handwriting Paper Super Duper Lottie Kit by Onion Mountain Highlighting Classroom Direct NCR Columbia Printing & Graphics See It Right - Handwriting Activities & Paper Jill Slaughter