© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 1 Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system What you will learn about in this topic: 1.The short-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 2.The long-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 3.How to measure your pulse Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 2
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 3 Learning objectives By the end of this presentation you should be able to: Understand the effects of short- and long-term exercise on the cardiovascular system Describe the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system Explain how to find a pulse and measure your heart rate
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Measuring your pulse To find out how exercise affects your heart rate, you will first need to know where to find and measure your pulse. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 4
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system A pulse can be found in the: wrist (radial artery) throat (carotid artery) temple (temporal pulse) groin (femoral pulse) Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 5
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system How to find a pulse in your wrist: Hold your hand in front of you. Stick your thumb up in the air and turn the palm towards you. With the first two fingers of your other hand, stroke from the top of your thumb down the side until your fingers reach your wrist. Let your fingers slide downwards onto the inside of your wrist and gently feel for your pulse. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 6
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system To find a pulse in your neck: Put three fingers of your left hand where an Adam's apple would be if you were male (the bit that sticks out and goes up and down when swallowing). Feel gently to the side of it and you will find your pulse beating. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 7
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Now you have found your pulse, use a watch or clock to count the amount of beats (pulses you feel) in one minute. This is your heart rate, measured in beats per minute (BPM). Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 8
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Task 1.Measure your resting pulse and record the results. 2.Now go outside and walk around the building. Measure your pulse again and record the results. Repeat the task but jog instead. 3.Explain what has happened to your body. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 9
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Heart rate monitoring Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 10 An ECG (electrocardiogram) machine will show you what your heart rate looks like.
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Stroke volume increases Short-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system Heart rate increases Blood is pumped to the working muscles Oxygen and haemoglobin combine to form oxyhaemoglobin Blood vessels dilate at the skin’s surface to release heat, causing skin to redden Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 11
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Heart beats harder Cardiac output increases Systems, such as the digestive system, are bypassed Arteries automatically widen Waste products exit the body via pores and capillaries at the skin’s surface Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 12
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system The effect of exercise on heart rate Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 13
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Long-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system Develops a stronger heart Can cope with increased physical stress more effectively Can deliver oxygen to the working muscles more effectively Reduced risk of coronary artery disease Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 14
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Increased VO 2 Lower resting heart rate (transports sufficient blood with less beats) Lower active heart rate (less stress on the heart) Reduces risk of heart disease Recover from the stress of exercise quicker Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 15
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Tachycardia Tachycardia is a resting heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute. Click to hear a tachycardia heartbeat. This can vary as smaller people and children have faster heart rates than the average adult. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 16
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Bradycardia Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute, although it is seldom symptomatic of a problem until below 50 bpm. Click to hear a bradycardia heartbeat. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 17
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system The cyclist Miguel Indurain, five times Tour de France winner, had a resting heart rate of 28 beats per minute, one of the lowest ever recorded in a healthy human. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 18
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Trained athletes tend to have slow resting heart rates. Resting bradycardia in athletes should not be considered abnormal if the individual has no symptoms associated with it. Symptoms can include… Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 19
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Heart palpitations Shortness of breath Fainting These can all be due to heart electrical system malfunctions. These are changes to the pulse sent by the SA or AV nodes that make the chambers of the heart contract at the correct time to make the heart work efficiently. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 20
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 21 Exam questions 1. Describe what happens in the short term to your cardiovascular system when you exercise.
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 22 What you have learnt in this topic: 1.The short-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 2.The long-term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 3.How to measure your pulse
© Folens 2009 FOR EDEXCEL A healthy, active lifestyle and your cardiovascular system Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system 23 Learning objectives You should now be able to: Understand the effects of short- and long-term exercise on the cardiovascular system Describe the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system Explain how to find a pulse and measure your heart rate