THREE MODERN AMERICAN WOMEN Hillary Clinton Sonia Sotomayor Oprah Winfrey ©2012, TESCCC U.S. History Unit 13, Lesson 2
First Lady of Arkansas, , First Lady of the United States, Senator, New York, ran for Democratic nomination for President, 2008 Secretary of State, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON ©2012, TESCCC
First Hispanic Supreme Court Justice, third female justice, 2009-present Nominated by Barack Obama (originally nominated to federal bench by George H.W. Bush) SONIA SOT0MAYOR ©2012, TESCCC
First African-American female billionaire, 2003 Producer & host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, 1986-present Philanthropist OPRAH WINFREY ©2012, TESCCC