Measurement and Assessment of Body Temperatures
Day 1: Day 2: Day 3: Day 4: Day 5:
Identify and explain the different types of thermometers: glass, tympanic, electronic, disposable, test tape. Do they measure temperature differently?
Markings on a glass thermometer- Fahrenheit and Centigrade
Explain normal temperatures and normal temperature ranges
Normal Temperatures Oral: 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) Rectal: 99.6 degrees F (37.5 degrees C) Axillary: 97.6 degrees F (36.5 degrees C) Tympanic: 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C) Normal Temperature Ranges Oral: 97.6 to 99.6 degrees F (36.5 to 37.5C) Rectal: 98.6 to degrees F (37.0 to 38.1C) Axillary: 96.6 to 98.6 degrees F (36.0 to 37.0C) Tympanic: 98.6 degrees F (37C)
Show videos: "Measuring Vital Signs: Temperature, Pulse, Respiration and Blood Pressure” “Using the Thermoscan Tympanic Thermometer” Complete worksheet
Demonstrate the use of the various thermometers: glass, tympanic and electronic
Have the students practice taking oral and tympanic temperatures
Have the students take and record temperatures as follows: 3 patients- oral temperatures with glass thermometers 2 of those same patients using 2 different tympanic thermometers 1 of those same patients using an electronic oral thermometer
Record temperature readings: 1. On a graphic sheet 2. On a vital signs flow sheet
Have students enter their data on a spreadsheet and do the following comparisons: Compare the results when using different equipment Compare the results to the average normal temperatures
Sample Student Work Data on Spreadsheet Graphs and Data More Graphs and Data Graphs and Data and Measures of Central TendencyGraphs and Data and Measures of Central Tendency More Measures of Central Tendency
Complete written test