Hercules By Kristal Logan Ezra Sandra Peter Andrew
Introduction Hercules, or Haracles was one of the many Greek Heroes. His powers are more stronger than he thinks. He was the only hero whom Zeus rewarded with immortality.
How Hercules Was Born Zeus fell in love with a mortal woman. Her name was Alcmene. She was married to a king and was loyal to him, and didn’t want to have babies with Zeus. Zeus disguised himself as the king, and did it with her. She got pregnant from Zeus. The king, Amphitryon was outraged and tried to kill the baby and Alcmene. Zeus protected Hercules from Amphitryon, and his jealous wife Hera.
What he did throughout his life. He was was going to be used to make Alcemene and Amphirtyon famous. Hercules was being charged for murder of Linus and he defended himself using the excuse of selfdefense. At age 18 he defended Thebes in a battle. As a reward King Creon, the king of Thebes, offered his daughter, Megera, to Hercules to become his wife.
How he got his labors. King Eurytheus became jealous of Hercules’ fame. Therefore, he demanded him to come to the Tiryns and perform the labors he promised. He was stubborn and rejected, until his father Zeus commanded him to go to King Eurytheus and do as he promised.
What He Had to Do. Hercules’ 10 labors were to assassinate all the monsters that King Eurytheus ordered him to, but 2 of the labor he did weren’t accepted. He actually did 12. He did this for his immortality.
In the end He died because his wife, Deianeira, gave him a shirt with poison. She thought it was enchanted with a spell that would make Hercules love her forever. He died. Zeus rewarded him with immortality.