What does a typical day at school look like? Registration: self registration and whole class carpet time. (We do this to support the children’s independence and self reliance). This time also allows for floating adults to talk to parents. All together session (Whole Class). This time gives the children the opportunity to discuss the things that are important to them. Adults can introduce and reinforce routines during this time as well as new concepts and ideas through shared discussions. This is the time where adults pick up on the children’s interests (Dinosaurs etc.) and make notes to plan future learning opportunities and shaping the provision.
Session 1: Phonics (Adult led) Phonics session begins. Phase 1 and 2. Each day the children will participate in a whole class phonics session. Adults will assess children’s understanding of phonics through weekly evaluations of the sessions. We will then plan to suit individual needs. After the Phase 2 letters and Sounds are taught, adults will assess the children through setting up activities. We will then group them according to individual needs (booster and stretching sessions) Each group will have an adult led phonics session every other day. We work on a two day rolling programme. After each whole class taught session, at least one phonics activity will be set up for children to access independently throughout the day. Whilst the guided phonics sessions are taking place (groups) the remainder of the children are able to access the indoor or outdoor activities independently. (Supervised by floating adults)
Assembly and Playtime – Assembly led by Mr Fairburn – Playtime. Free flow outdoor play supervised by supporting staff and teachers (rota)
Session 2: Literacy or Maths (Adult directed) We will incorporate our themed learning topics and tap into the children’s interests through maths and literacy activities. (Group based) Also known and ‘Virtual Bases’. These can be done anywhere and ideally will be indoors and out. Teaching and learning takes place everywhere, not just on the carpet. It’s also a great way to keep children engaged. Sessions last between 10 – 25 minutes depending on their age and stage of their development. Some children will need more time and others less.
Reception: Adult Led 50% All children have been allocated a colour banded group. These groups are not ability based. They are designed so that the class teacher can support and directly teach each group on a rotation basis. Each child will participate in a whole class phonics session each day. In addition each group will participate in 3 teacher led focus sessions (over a two day period). Phonics, Maths and Literacy Based learning. Music and PE are also taught weekly. Weekly ‘signing’ story time with children and staff from Frank Barnes School.
Reception: Child Initiated 50% All children will have: Free flow indoor/outdoor learning opportunities. Learning will be tailored to their individual interests and themed learning/projects. Set playtimes to mix with nursery and children from Frank Barnes School. Learning opportunities set up by adults and accessed by children. Children then take the lead on how they want the activities to develop. (Adults are around to facilitate if needed)
Continuous Provision This happens all day and is when the children are able to access learning opportunities, both indoors and outside. Adults will plan the continuous provision opportunities in line with current topics, themes, projects or children’s interests. Children need plenty of time and opportunities to play freely and with uninterrupted play. This is a brand new environment for them and they need to explore. Expect to see more scrapes as the children develop their gross motor skills through climbing and experimenting with their new environment. (clothing)
Quick reset, handwashing and lunch All children share the responsibility of resetting the classroom (quick tidy up). Carpet spaces for pre lunch time story and handwashing routine. Lunch in the small dining hall. Staff rotate. Outdoor playtime with nursery. Back to class at 1pm. Story time before third and final small group session of the day. (Literacy or Maths based)
End of day Handwashing and snack time. 2pm. Final ‘big’ tidy up of the day. Story time Book bags and coats collected End of day.