Literature to Go Michael Meyer ©2011 Bedford/St. Martin’s ISBN-10: ISBN-13:
Paper text Bedford e-Book: interactive and customizable! This web-based e-Book is accessible on a computer Literature to Go Michael Meyer ISBN-10: ISBN-13: CourseSmart e-Book: downloadable e-Book accessible on a computer or via app on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android devices, Kindle Fire, Nook Color, or Nook Tablet Print book e-Books (1/2 the cost of the print book) WHAT TO BUY Required Text Available Formats
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This book includes: An essential collection of literature Case studies on major authors Help with reading & writing about literature Model papers & study tools WHY YOU NEED IT You will have assigned homework and we will test from material found in this book. 1. It is required for this course 2. It will help you get a better grade. Period.
How to find help for reading & writing about literature Check the chart on the inside front cover; it offers quick directions for finding content to help you read, understand, and write about the literature in the book. The brief table of contents that starts on page xvii is an at-a-glance map to what you’ll find in Literature to Go.
Questions and assignments to help improve your skills Questions and assignments to help improve your skills Hundreds of questions and assignments throughout the book will spark your interest, sharpen your thinking, and improve your reading, discussion, and writing skills.
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