Add functionality to last year’s project Remotely operate and check the status of a door strike using a cell phone Last Year’s Project IR Signal Internet Remote Computer VCR SIRCU This Year’s Project
SIRCU RS-232 Internet Cellular Phone IR Base PC
Modify SIRCU to receive Construct door strike status unit (Sender Module) Construct door strike IR receiver (Receiver Module) Achieve IR communication between door strike and SIRCU Operate/check status of door strike via remote PC
Base PC Door Strike SIRCU Receiver Module Sender Module RS-232 Internet Remote PC IR
Status Panel Locked Unlocked Comm Error Deadbolt Option Lock/Unlock Deadbolt Status Button
Infrared SignalRS-232 Cable Key Down Signal Row/Column Inputs Row Control Column Control Infrared Signal Data Bit Stream
Built by SMARTHOME Door unlocked by 3-6 Volts DC at 900mA Fail-Secure Controlled by Receiver Module
IR Receiver Door Strike To Sender Module From SIRCU BSTStatus IR Receiver demodulates signal into bit stream Door Strike coupled with power relay
Modulator Circuit controlled by PIC 555 Chip modulates signal to 40kHz IR Diode transmits modulated bit stream Modulator Circuit IR Diode From Receiver Module To SIRCU BSTStatus
SIRCU project transition Inconsistent SIRCU performance on various computers GUI bugs Decoding/Sampling IR signals Commercially available IR locks used rolling code
Available Funds for Spring 2004 Semester: $378.40
MDR deliverables have been completed MDR deliverables have been completed! NEXT STEPS: Condense hardware components Establish communication between cellular phone and base PC Create cellular phone interface